Interesting set.
That said, while the BAR gunner in the greatcoat looks good, I have serious reservations about the other two figures' uniforms.
The guy with the carbine labelled as a "Paratrooper" doesn't really look like a paratrooper except for the Corcoran jump boots. His uniform appears to be a mix of M1943 field jacket with incorrect lower pockets (the pockets were internal and only the closing flap was visible) with trousers that look more like late M1942 HBT fatigue trousers than paratrooper-modified M1943 trousers.
As for the "Private 90th Infantry Division", I have no idea what he's wearing. Even though it is shown here in tan color, his jacket is definitely not a Parsons, aka M1941 field jacket. As for his trousers, again, they look like late M1942 HBT trousers, but I don't unserstand why they have a seam in the front.
I know some will say I'm being harsh or that I'm nitpicking, but considering the price people pay for resin figures, one is entitled to expect them to be better, more accurate than stock plastic figures.
For what it's worth.