Pondering replacing my Rocos 20 mike-mikes. I've looked at the Military Depot items http://www.fidelismodels.com/index.html?token=2068568368-1323597717-1414020573&A=176&B=Depot%20%2D%20Guns%20%26%20Accessories
Czech Master's "Czech Master's Kits offers high quality cast resin products. Their figure sets have detached arms, heads, etc to allow custom poses."
Also an idea:
20mm is 1.666 times bigger that 12.5mm (.50 cal.), 1.333 than 15mm
(German MG151).
1/72 is 1.21 bigger than 1/87 (.8275 of 1/72).
I don't have any images before me to compare body of guns; I think I
will try replacing the 1/87 20mm mechanism with 1/72 .30, .50, or
maybe same Luftwaffe MGs. Replace guntubes.
These should be much closer to scale and better deatiled than the
Roco chunks.
Have any of you tried this?