Over time, I've read, and re-read, the 1 1/2 inch book about Israeli Sherman's (2nd Edition), by Tom Gannon, and viewed every photo.
I'm pretty much convinced that the M50/M51 series pretty much employed using every possible combination of Sherman parts.
This include several types, models, and combinations of bogies, chassis mods and different transmission covers.
Plenty of Sherman's appear with or without extra turret cheek armor or hull applique armor, or a lack of either or some of both.
Big hatch vs. small hatch? Seems both were well used in either the M50 or M51, no matter the limitations associated with either. If the turret didn't work on one type of chassis, no biggy, just employ it on another chassis where it would work.
Turrets? Is any two exactly the same? We know there is a distinctive difference between the M50 and M51, but within each type, continuity is broken up by subtle differences.
Tracks? As far as I can tell, every type of track was eventually employed, whether applied on HVSS or VVSS suspensions.
Seems the Israeli's used every type of sprocket too.
Name it, the Israeli's probably used it, or converted different types for their own use and of their own design. Some conversions were constructed to 100% of the planned design, others, not so much.
The M51 muzzle brake? There was even 2 types of them!!
You will find M51 features on an M50, and vice versa.
It seems to be that no two Sherman's are alike.