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Is this that Argentinian tank based on Marder components? Looks nice & competent. Wonder who else uses them. Good kit subject.
Yes, the TAM -Tanque Argentino Mediano, for Argentine Medium Tank- project started in the early 70's, and was a joint work between Argentine Army and Tyssen Henschel, developed by an Argentinian and German engineer team, largely based on the Marder IFV.
So far no other countries had got the TAM, no matter some attempts made by Argentine authorities.
It's hard to compete with major players in this field, even Brazil has just been able to be a significant producer only within the light armored vehicles market and light trainer planes. Their MBT project "Osorio" didn't go beyond the prototype stage.
To be fair, you have to keep in mind that the TAM is a very light tank, with a weight around the 30 tons.
This means agility but very light armor. So not everyone's needs...
Nowadays the TAM fleet cries out for a serious modernisation and proper maintenance, but chronical budget restraints keep it relegated -the never started TAM C2 upgrade is a good example-.
Back to the kit, I bought it yesterday and expect to receive it today or tomorrow, so let's wait and see what comes inside the box...
It looks quite good so far.