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he states that the 505th had 78 Tiger I and 48 II Tiger II in total.
Not all at once! Tigers came and went, got destroyed and replaced.
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Tiger 1 with Zimmert and Air Filters.... Vehicle No. 213 by Leutnant Scholz
As I said, the 505th had at least 5 standard Mid Tigers with Zimmerit and air filters. None of them were numbered "213".
It's hard to know what Restayn was thinking of here... did he misread the number off a genuine Mid Tiger photo or did he mistake an Early Tiger or a Late Tiger numbered "213" for a Mid?
When he says that the combination of Zimmerit and air filters is "rather unique", he's wrong. It was standard on a couple of hundred Tigers.
His illustration isn't accurate in itself. It shows a version of Mid Tiger that the 505 didn't have. Their Mids were of an earlier version.
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Sadly there are no photos of these tanks. Here it would be of interest to see which camouflage pattern these tanks had.
There are plenty of photos of all 5 of these Mid Tigers. Their numbers were;
101 then 111
200 then 224
That's not counting the Mid "Command" Tigers that arrived later.
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The Air Filter, Smoke Candles and Zimmerit is a quite unique setup that would look great as model.
It's an impossible set up. The smoke candle launchers were deleted from the turret in the Early period. Mid Tigers never had them.
Mids did carry the S-mine launchers on the hull, if that's what you mean.
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The Kit I want to use is the Rye Field Tiger mid, thankfully it comes with a lot of additional parts like the Air Filters. Which should make it possible to create one of the mid Tigers the 505 received in September.
There are a number of differences between this batch of September mids and the Rye Field kit, which represents the very end of the Mid run.
They had the Feifel system, of course, including the ducting on the engine hatch.
They had the S-mine system and they carried the launchers.
They had the plug pistol port.
They had the disc on the loader's hatch.
They had the "early" tracks.
They had the 15 ton jack.
They had no travel lock at the back.
They had the rear external toolbox.
They had one single headlight, on the roof by the driver.
Granted, they did have C-hooks and the "late" layout of cable on the side, but that's a lot of differences from Rye Field's kit.