From a pile of AM and one lonely Tamiya T-62 and bits of another kit that I've had in the stash for years. I actually started this thing over five years ago and got bored, put it aside and then decided to just FINISH it. After having bought a two pound box of accessories and AM stuff for a relative song right after the Trump T-62 kits hit the market, I realized it would look better painted up than it would unpainted on my shelf of shame. As it sat, more or less, in its place of obscurity for at least five years:
IMG_3091 by
Russel Baer, on Flickr
IMG_3090 by
Russel Baer, on Flickr
And now, finished and ready to be compared to the Trump T-62 I'm currently building:
IMG_3775 by
Russel Baer, on Flickr
IMG_3776 by
Russel Baer, on Flickr
IMG_3777 by
Russel Baer, on Flickr
No, it's not accurate, but it was fun after I decided to go ahead and finish it.
Included in the parts used are Friuls, the Verlinden "update" kit with a lot of PE, Eduard PE and a bunch of MrSurfacer 500. Base coat is Vallejo spray can Russian green (really good stuff) and Vallejo sand and gray brush painted with a MIG desert sand pigment finish, sealed with Vallejo flat, also in their spray can. With the Friuls and all the Varlinden resin, this is the heaviest model in my case.