Thank you all for your kind feedback

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I think it looks great,I guess you did your own zimm,it looks pretty good worn in areas with the decals snugging down tight, and the camo is sprayed nice.If your looking for something,I'm not crazy about the silvery shovel and tow cables maybe tone them down with a darker metallic,buts that's all I got
Thanks Anthony! Ditto on the tools being too bright. I actually noticed this as I was about to post the photos online. The tool doesn't look too-bright in person, but it does look too clean. I think I'll layer a dull-metallic color over it to tone it down

Thanks for pointing it out.
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G'day Nigel
Looks great, and just by chance, I'm building the same vehicle, only I'm using a Takom kit. I'm going to use your paint scheme as a guide as it's much better than the one in the instructions.
Three things you should note, based on the photos I have of "233":
1. 233 had no rear mudguards.
2. 233 was missing the rearmost side skirt piece on the left hand side.
3. The fliegerbeschussgereart (the bracket for mounting the MG on the cupola) was installed, standing straight up, at the rear of the cupola.
Thanks for pointing these Rob. I actually have picked up some of these during research - I'll add that the hatch for the commander's cupola seems to have been removed. Maybe it was getting in the way in the urban environment?
I wanted to remove the track guards in the rear like the black and white photos show, but the tamiya tracks.... are not great. They're too short actually, and a bit hard to get the proper sag with using super glue. I ended up leaving it on so that people don't look at it and notice!
As for the fliegerbeschussgereart (Gotta love the German Language, very precise!) - I did see some photos of it pointing directly up as you say, but I was worried about the part being too brittle and eventually snapping/snagging on something that will cause it to break. I was wondering if all of the early KTs had this? I was hoping to leave it off for those reasons, but I can add it back if it was a standard mod.
I actually based the paint scheme on Rob Knight's interpretation hehe

You can have a look here (I think he did a better job with the camo hehe, mine still looks a bit too soft)