Looks quite good so I may shell out for this as I intend on doing s Chally 2 soon.
One bit I can add some insider info on lol. As Darren alludes to in the write up about how the Chally 2 was born...
It was indeed a toss up between LeClerc, Leopard 2 and Abrams. It was pretty much decided that within a few years of being in service, Chally 1 was almost outdated for various reasons and a solution was needed.
While I was on my armoured crew commanders course, on the gunnery phase at lulworth we had an impromptu briefing by the ATDU (armoured trials & development unit). The brief was by a Capt who had gone through the ranks and he told us the evaluation team (him included) was a, WO1 about 3 Captains and a major and Lt Col.
The LeClerc was never a real option before they started, they looked at it to be polite. The only contenders were Leopard 2 and Abrams. They evaluated the Abrams against a Chally 2 test bed.They all came to the same conclusion which was a recommendation to purchase Abrams which was going to be built under licence in the UK....
The then UK gov, immediately rejected their recommendations and opted for Chally 2. Purely a prestige option a flag waving plan. Now on reflection, it wasn't a bad choice as the Chally 2 has proven itself and also never been destroyed by enemy fire. Hoorah ....
Just a crying shame it will be the last mass produced UK MBT.... And you cannot believe how much it pains me to say that...