A word of warning to any of my fellow modellers who may be considering investing their hard-earned cash in an airbrush.
I have just deposited my Aztek A4709 in the garbage can, case, accesories and all.
Two years of experimenting with different paint mixes, nozzles, compressors, paints, pressures, moisture-traps etc yeilded absolutely no satisfactory results whatsoever.
I do not profess to be the most proficient airbrush user in the world, however I did use a badger brush for six months before purchasing the Aztek and was absolutely happy with the results.
I can not express how dissillusioned I am right now with Testors/Aztek, I feel stongly that their brushes sell purely because they are appealing from the point of view of easy clean up, but I feel like I've been suckered into buying a "gimmick" which is not fit for the purpose for which it is intended.
Congrats to anyone who has used one with any success, but I ignored the numerous warnings (far more numerous than recomendations) that others have suffered exactly the same problems as me, and have paid the price.
So in short, don't buy an Aztek.
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A word of warning about Aztek/Testors

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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 06:04 AM UTC


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 06:19 AM UTC
Hi boltman, I find that strange I have both the 470 and a model 270 single action and I have never had a problem with either of them. Maybe you have a faulty airbrush. Testors has a great gaurantee on them and you could send yours in and they could check it out or even send you a different one. Its just a little food for thought since you invested so much in it. I would hate to throw that money away without having it checked out. Cheers Kevin


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 06:25 AM UTC
I agree with jackhammer, I have the Aztek 4709 airbrush and I have gotten good results using canned air with no moisture trap.
I'm sorry to hear that the brush did not work well, perhaps it is/was faulty. I'd also try to sell it on ebay or donate the parts to people rather than just throwing it away.
I'm sorry to hear that the brush did not work well, perhaps it is/was faulty. I'd also try to sell it on ebay or donate the parts to people rather than just throwing it away.


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 07:44 AM UTC
No problems here with my 470 and when I did have a problem with it, Testors replaced it no charge! I've been using my Aztek for many years!
I wished that I had know that you didn't like yours... I would've provided the trash can.
I wished that I had know that you didn't like yours... I would've provided the trash can.


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 08:36 AM UTC
I have a 430 (the cheaper version of the 470) and it sprays like a dream. No problem getting thin lines and being completely happy. Too bad you have had bad luck.


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 08:39 AM UTC
well, i was (and still am) planning on buying a 4709 and all i've heard is good news, this is the first time i've heard something completley terrible, well, i hope i get some good luck!


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 08:59 AM UTC
I agree that you may have a lemon. I have used the 470 for less than a year with no problems provided I keep the nozzles clean. Contrary to instructions not to disassemble the tip which consists of needle/spring, tip sleeve and tip housing, I soak the components in a strong solvent, MEK and then store for the next use. If I use the gun every day, I only do a standard flush with MEK. I mention this because the only problem I have had with the 470 is the needle seizing in the tip. Usually after loading paint. With the preventive maintenace this issue has gone away. I have even sprayed satisfactorily without thinning. I turn the air pressure up to product a small particle size. I am new to the hobby and this is my first AB but cannot imagine being able to get better results. The ease of color changes is on of it best features.


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 09:00 AM UTC
Another satisfied 4709 user here. I've managed to clog some of the nozzles two times but they were easy to clean. The first time was a bad paint mix, one of my first tests. The second time I forgot some varnish there even though the can said "clean tools in 5 minutes from using".
I've been spraying Vallejo and Tamiya acrylics, matte varnish and Future. Will try enamels soon for priming.
I've been spraying Vallejo and Tamiya acrylics, matte varnish and Future. Will try enamels soon for priming.


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 09:01 AM UTC
No problems with using my 4709 over here.... a cheap Revell compressor without moisture trap... awesome results. Nothing wrong with the AB, but I would like a better compressor 


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 09:11 AM UTC
I love my Aztek and have had GREAT results with it.. I even took mine apart when I broke it which normally would have voided the warranty, sent it back to Testors and they replaced it for FREE!!.. You can't beat that kinda customer service.


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 09:48 AM UTC
funny I prefer my aztek over my iwata hb-c cant get used to that yes the aztek can be a pain at times but others its great any chance you can raid the bin and send me the left overs


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 10:40 AM UTC
Quoted Text
A word of warning to any of my fellow modellers who may be considering investing their hard-earned cash in an airbrush.
I have just deposited my Aztek A4709 in the garbage can, case, accesories and all.
Two years of experimenting with different paint mixes, nozzles, compressors, paints, pressures, moisture-traps etc yeilded absolutely no satisfactory results whatsoever.
I do not profess to be the most proficient airbrush user in the world, however I did use a badger brush for six months before purchasing the Aztek and was absolutely happy with the results.
I can not express how dissillusioned I am right now with Testors/Aztek, I feel stongly that their brushes sell purely because they are appealing from the point of view of easy clean up, but I feel like I've been suckered into buying a "gimmick" which is not fit for the purpose for which it is intended.
Congrats to anyone who has used one with any success, but I ignored the numerous warnings (far more numerous than recomendations) that others have suffered exactly the same problems as me, and have paid the price.
So in short, don't buy an Aztek.
Hey Paul,
Can I have your Aztek????


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 11:13 AM UTC
You know Mikeli, i just started using Iwata AB, I have both the HP-BC siphon feed and HP-C Gravity and like them more than the Aztek 4709 Iused for years. In fact I'll never use the aztek again. I find it rather annoying to have to go and take part nozzles cause the clogged. Yes, the body was easy to clean but the nozzles are prone to clogging!!! Another major point I have for not going back to the Aztek. Is I can actually get the a fine spray partern with both of my Iwata ABs. Yes i can get the advertised .5mm line with HP-BC and the .2mm line with HP-C. Trust me when i say it took alot of practice and fideling with pressure and paint/thinner ratios, but I got them down and like the results so much I'm planning some German Nightfighters just to do the camo patternswith the new ABs .So where i liked my Aztek I think the Iwata's are far superior to the toys from Testor!!! STUG


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Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2004 - 11:41 AM UTC
Hey Steve.. Can I have your Aztek????


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Posted: Friday, April 23, 2004 - 03:03 AM UTC
I have had mine for a year, and I love it. No problems at all.


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Posted: Friday, April 23, 2004 - 06:09 AM UTC
I also have an Aztek single and double action airbrush and have had no problems with them.


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Posted: Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 04:18 PM UTC
Hi All,
I too have an Aztek 470. I have had it for only a few months and love it. I have moved from a Paasche H airbrush. I have had no problems with it whatsoever. Learning to use a Double Airbrush was not hard to learn at all. A few nights practise was all it needed and I am getting better every time I use it. :-)
As the saying goes:
The more you practise, the better you'll get.

I too have an Aztek 470. I have had it for only a few months and love it. I have moved from a Paasche H airbrush. I have had no problems with it whatsoever. Learning to use a Double Airbrush was not hard to learn at all. A few nights practise was all it needed and I am getting better every time I use it. :-)
As the saying goes:
Quoted Text
Don't blame the equipment, it's normally the nut on the end of it.
The more you practise, the better you'll get.


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Posted: Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 04:19 PM UTC
Hi All,
I too have an Aztek 470. I have had it for only a few months and love it. I have moved from a Paasche H airbrush. I have had no problems with it whatsoever. Learning to use a Double Airbrush was not hard to learn at all. A few nights practise was all it needed and I am getting better every time I use it. :-)
As the saying goes:
The more you practise, the better you'll get.

I too have an Aztek 470. I have had it for only a few months and love it. I have moved from a Paasche H airbrush. I have had no problems with it whatsoever. Learning to use a Double Airbrush was not hard to learn at all. A few nights practise was all it needed and I am getting better every time I use it. :-)
As the saying goes:
Quoted Text
Don't blame the equipment, it's normally the nut on the end of it.
The more you practise, the better you'll get.


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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 11:56 PM UTC
Boltman, I would hate to see you throw an expensive airbrush away, I would do first what the others suggest maybe you did get a bad apple, and you could send it to the factory to get it corrected, but if that don't fix your problem, and you have exhausted all other measures to correct the problem, then please send it to me, or somebody else that can't afford one.
But never just throw it a way, at least donate it to some organization that could use it, there would be a lot of people that would be grateful to be able to have an airbrush, I know I would. Maybe some kid in your neighborhood, but don't just throw it a way.
But never just throw it a way, at least donate it to some organization that could use it, there would be a lot of people that would be grateful to be able to have an airbrush, I know I would. Maybe some kid in your neighborhood, but don't just throw it a way.


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Posted: Monday, May 10, 2004 - 01:10 PM UTC
i baught my airbrush in a testors pack, the one that comes with paint all walmart for about 70, and it was a good buy, ive had it for over a year, and ignoring the clogging in the nozzle, i have nothing to say against it...


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Posted: Monday, May 10, 2004 - 01:55 PM UTC
I don't know what happened with Boltmans Aztek, But I have 4 of them and love them all. I was given 2 as gifts and never returned them. My 470 is my primary brush and I have had a clogging problem only with older paint. I use Model Master Acryl straight from the bottle and MM enamles thined slightly. I have 2 of each nozzle and soak them in thinner if they become clogged. Boltman has posted this problem here twice (he has 2 total posts) and on another BB I think Missing links. Sounds like Aztek bashing to me.


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Posted: Monday, May 10, 2004 - 02:06 PM UTC
hi there..sorry to hear that u have bad experience using Aztek...
i've been using A4709 for years and never have any major problem with it...
one time. i found that the body is somehow make a funny clicking sound when i pull the triger..so i contacted testors and they replace the body for free.....
besides that, i have a 2 ab on stanby...but i still prefer Aztek on many of my paintjob..
i've been using A4709 for years and never have any major problem with it...
one time. i found that the body is somehow make a funny clicking sound when i pull the triger..so i contacted testors and they replace the body for free.....
besides that, i have a 2 ab on stanby...but i still prefer Aztek on many of my paintjob..


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Posted: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 04:16 PM UTC
I agree with Tiger101, something aint right here, that what it seemed like to me,,why would anybody toss an airbrush into the trash like that anyway?
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