As always, excellent review! I have the set down in the workshop, Darren. The casualty's torso is quite well done, Gecko had someone who had definitely done their homework on TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) involved with this - the casualty has a sternal IO IV access port. An IO IV, is an interosseous IV, literally into a bone; there are videos on YouTube of the sternal IOs being placed in a TCCC class. Yes, we did practice on each other, it was a way to teach empathy with the patient; it also taught you differences in anatomy from person to person. As a corpsman the only short coming I see with the medical gear is the IV bag, it would benefit from being done in clear plastic/resin. That is a very minor thing and easily remedied, you also need to come up with something to represent IV tubing (invisible thread or thin fishing line). Just my .02 though.