Senior EditorIzmir, Turkey / Türkçe
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Posted: Saturday, December 05, 2020 - 02:16 AM UTC

Giang Xuan Le informed us about the latest releases of Paracel Miniatures. One of them is a 5 figure kit from Vietnam War.
Read the Full News StoryIf you have comments or questions please post them here.
California, United States
Joined: October 08, 2002
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Posted: Saturday, December 05, 2020 - 03:08 PM UTC
WOW!!! This, is a awesome!
FINALLY a true Vietnam-era U.S. artillery crew!!! No figures with infantry web gear hastily repurposed...looks like the real deal.
Hoping I can modify them for use on an M102....or maybe Parcel will give us an M102 crew as well.
Thanks, Engin --- this is GREAT and long-awaited news!
With Regards and Aloha,
Johnny B.
I Love the Smell of Resin in the Morning!!