Today I thought it was nice to show you all another sneak preview of my Little Project... Oh heck I going to throw it all out.
This is my concept sketch:

Yup this is my concept for Incoming. A before and after situation. In the first dio you see the gun being recovered from the ground the second shows the gun being repaired and restored in a museum display. In both of the dio`s will come some figures.
I started with the PAK 35 that is standing in the first dio and did some scratchbuilding. A lot of evergreen, Putty, aluminum foil glue and more putty after this is the result. The pics are all a bit dark but due to the time and the light circumstances at the moment of the Photoshoot wasn`t optimal in my room

Above the damaging on one of the legs of the gun is visible that it received in the explosion that disabled the gun and it`s crew.

Above the rotten rubber tires of the PAK I have gotten several replies about it that Rubber doesn`t start to rot fast and after looking through my links about recovered vehicles I indeed saw that usually the wheels were looking quite good with only bad point that they were flat. So I kept one damaged PAK wheel (the one most far from the vehicle) as being damaged during the explosion and added a new Flat tire wich I still had in my scrapbox

Because the gunshield is damaged by direct fire or shrapnell the inside shows signs of those too. On the inside is a little box just above the gun of wich I have no clue for wich it is but I scratchbuilt it out of Aluminum foil showing the damage.

What I have done so far since this set of pics..... I have added some detail on the Bend/Damaged leg. and I`m now working on adding some fine rust structure on the gun.......... and then up to the groundworks
Feedback?? I like to hear everything.