Project X - Enlist Here :-)
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 04:13 AM UTC
Hi there
It's time to start signing up for Project X. This build will cover experimentals, prototypes and "paper projects" of all sorts - aircraft, armour, figures, sci-fi and warships.
Because some subjects might take a fair amount of research and scratch-building, we've pulled the start date forward to allow plenty of extra time - you can start building anytime from now on. The build will finish at Christmas.
Please add a post to sign on and I'll add your name to the list of those who've already expressed interest.
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 04:15 AM UTC
Project X entrants with intended subjects.
shonen_red - X-35B
Savage - Tamiya X-32 in 1/72 scale (re-boxed Italeri)
CRS - Convair XFY-1 Pogo
mj - Revell 1/48 Lippisch P-13a
penpen - Fine Molds Savoia fighter from the "Porco Rosso" anime by hayao Miyazaki
mikeli125 - Focke-Wulf Ta 183 and, maybe, Flak Panther
generalzod - Jagdpanzer IV L/71 88mm Krupp conversion
MrRoo - a secret Bren carrier thingy!
greatbrit - Super Pershing
PorkChop - USMC "T" Pattern BDUs, Circa 1999
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
Illinois, United States
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 06:05 AM UTC
I'll give it a try. I have a Revell 1/48 Lippisch P-13a I'd like to have a go at.
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 06:30 AM UTC
I've got one of those little beasties too! Great value compared with the original Mauve release!
Where people have said what they'll be building, I'll add it to the list..
All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 06:57 AM UTC
I want in. Do I have to say what I'm building? I'd rather show up with something that is a surprise.
Virginia, United States
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 08:12 AM UTC
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 09:59 AM UTC
Quoted Text
want in. Do I have to say what I'm building? I'd rather show up with something that is a surprise.
Surprises are fine Sniper!
I still haven't decided what to build yet myself!
All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 10:54 AM UTC
I'm In
BTW Tony Buttler has his third book due out later this year on British Secret Project 1930-1950 - so plenty more ideas should be in there !!!!.
Metro Manila, Philippines
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 11:57 AM UTC
I'm in. I still have to think about what to build though.
Minnesota, United States
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 02:57 PM UTC
I'm in...maybe a proposed stealth battleship? Not sure on this yet...
Ex-34th ID MNANG - 13F and 63D
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Hauts-de-Seine, France
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Posted: Monday, May 03, 2004 - 10:31 PM UTC
I'm in !
Thee's plenty of time so it should be fine...
As projects from movies or anime are accepted, I'll probably build the little savoia fighter from the "Porco Rosso" anime by hayao Miyazaki ! It's a little beauty of a kit from Fine Molds !
Big Bad Wolf N° 3, huffing and puffing...
life is but a dream...
from Paris, France, Europe
Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 01:40 PM UTC
I will join, but project is too be determined.
England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, May 10, 2004 - 04:15 AM UTC
I'm in for a focke-wulf ta-183 by amtech and maybe a flak panther :-)
Modelosaurus #10
I ere thers some mods about
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Posted: Sunday, May 16, 2004 - 08:40 AM UTC
Would I be able to join with a partialy built kit? I won a CMK Jagdpanzer IV L/71 88mm Krupp conversion The seller says it has been started I e-mailed him on friday asking how much has been built and have not heard back anything yet I also got to get a new 88mm barrel for it as it does not have one
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Posted: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 06:24 PM UTC
Hi generalzod
No problem! It'll be great to have you aboard.
All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 08:57 PM UTC
I will think about this so put me in provisionly for now. Mine will be a secret and I will need a bren gun carrier kit to complete it.
United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 09:12 PM UTC
hi rowan,
im in with a super pershing, they only made 2 prototypes, one seeing active service in germany. would that be ok, its the only thing i can think of!
"The machine gun is a much overrated weapon" Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig,Somme,July 1,1916
"Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won the lottery of Life" Cecil Rhodes
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 09:52 PM UTC

I am sorry to hear that joe but I have a marvelous choise of different truck prototypes LOL :-)
United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 10:01 PM UTC
why am i not surprised,
alas i have no such luck in choosing, i only build allied armour, and most of our designs were superb so we didnt have loads of prototypes like those silly teutonic types!
"The machine gun is a much overrated weapon" Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig,Somme,July 1,1916
"Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won the lottery of Life" Cecil Rhodes
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - 01:38 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I will think about this so put me in provisionly for now. Mine will be a secret and I will need a bren gun carrier kit to complete it.
{ said in a nah-nah-nah musical voice}
" I know what you're building......I know what you're building......I know what you're building!"
hehehe.... :-) :-)

:-) :-)
You're a better man than me, Gunga Din!
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Posted: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - 09:08 AM UTC
To fight the hordes,singing and crying,Valhalla I am coming
California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - 11:28 AM UTC
I've a thing or three I could put together for this. What will the time-window be for the campaign?
Randy J. Ray
Sunnyvale, CA
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Posted: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - 01:07 PM UTC
OK, count me in on the figure side of things, this will be a good chance to do one of my old PASGT wearin' Verlinden figures.
Look for a figure wearing the USMC "T" Pattern BDUs, Circia 1999. If any one has additional photos, I'd love to see them....
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Posted: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - 06:41 PM UTC
Quoted Text
I've a thing or three I could put together for this. What will the time-window be for the campaign?
Hi Randy
We're keeping it pretty loose - aiming to finish around Christmas/New year. You can start building whenever you like, so there's hopefully enough time for anyone who needs to do some heavy conversion work for their entry.
Quoted Text
Look for a figure wearing the USMC "T" Pattern BDUs, Circa 1999.
Nice one PorkChop! I've been hoping we could feature some experimental uniforms and equipment.
All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
Maryland, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 - 12:44 PM UTC
Can I still get in on this?? I started a Kugelblitz wayback and never finished cuz I was missing peices, but my LHS has fresh meat (aka new kit) waiting for me!! Either that or I was thinking of a Coelian Panther (or one of the other way cool prototypes in the Encylopedia of German ...(whatevers)... Let me know if its not too late!!
The first rule to tinkering is to save all the parts.
- Paul Erlich