Can anyone help, I have recently switched from humbrol enamels to the Vallejo acrylics. I'm really pleased with the colours but I do have real problems spraying any sort of mottle. I recently bought an Iwata airbrush having used badger before and it seems to atomise the paint better but still clogs really quickly and this seems to be the main problem with spraying patches. I tried using a preset handle but if anything it's worse, I have to back off the preset to blast some paint thro' to clear the brush or put some cellulose through (which I don't like doing with the 'O' rings in the brush). I've tried all sorts of air pressure settings. Should I strain the paint? thinning it makes matters worse.
I have a desert camo Me109 & a 'smoke ring'Macchi 205 to spray and I'm on the verge of going back to enamel!