Okay here goes quick and dirty - First thing - SAFETY - your dealing with electricity - don't goof. Make sure your fan power requirements match the supply requirements.
Step 1 - the container - waly world, cheap.

Step 2 - the fan - from an old computer - check out any PC fixit shop - if not free, dirt cheap.

Step 4 - Electrical connects - Test CAREFULLY. Solder and tape these guys. I had an old power supply from a walkman device and I cut the end off it and used it. You can also buy them at your handy dandy Radio Shack. The switch is a toggle switch from Lowes $2.

Step 5 - The opening - I cut mine out with a jig saw and regular drill. Trimmed it with an exacto.

Step 6 - Mounting - screwed it together

Whats left to do -
Step 7 - take a dryer sheet and tape it to the inside of the opening to act as a filter (other materials would work too, old panyhose, old rag etc). I was going to use duct tape. You could also fasten it between the fan and the container.
Step 8 - Tape the dry duct over the entire fan assembly and route away (outside) from your work area. $2 - 5
There are a number of add ons I'm onsidering. Drill four holes in the bottom outside corners. Take a doweling and thread it through two holes. I have a 2" wide 30' long roll of paper. Route this paper under the dowel so the container is spared all the overspray. Second idea here is to have a dowel at the bottom and a long thin 'slice' opening on what would the be top back edge. Have the paper cover the bottom work surface, go under the dowel then up the back and out the slit, leaving the top open for light.
I am considering hinging what will be the top wall so that (if needby) I can open it and have more light and access.