Hello there IGI. u have started nicely , and u can go even better.
my advice would be first on the sequence u follow. u maybe wanna try next time first finish the ground covering with a base material like some spackle or putty or plaster that be in a semi wet form for some time so u can add on it the ground material. This can be made from natural soil well filtered to keep the smaller and finest grains of it once this is well dried on the base u can plan and try the next step as the vegetetion. If this vegies is the stuff that u got from your country house it surely looks nice and could be present in your dios.
Your tree looks fine and since is made form all natural materials of mothere Greece's earth is even better !!!!
The figure has a good start - maybe a lil shiny on the pants but u can improve that with some pastels powder and some weathering and washes.
As always i ll be happy to help u so get in touch with me anytime .. Good beggining