I may enter it in the "Twlight 2000" or "Move It!" Campaign if I ever finish it and buy a digital camera before the deadline.
Now the questions...
* I remember Rob G. mentioning that Humvees can have Aggressor threaded tires or bias ply, but NOT a mix of the two. My Humvee has resin four Aggressors, but can the spare be (duh!) a bias ply even though it would make a mix if the spare's worn?
* Can the spare be mounted on the side of the rollbar A and B pillar, or does the wheel weigh too much for the pipe and for the crew to lift onto the rollbar? Now remember the ROC Humvee has one vertical bar per A and B pillar and not a cross-bar matrix like the SEAL DPV.
* What is the history behind the brush guard? Concord's Humvee book shows the Academy M998 bar and mesh brushguard pre-1996, the Tamiya brushguard around 1996-current, and the Hobby Fan/ AM General Hummer brush guard only on civilian models. Does the Army have a reason for using only the Tamiya brushguard these days?
* What is the reasoning for the secondary MG on the ring? My Humvee has the Dumvee weapons config of a MG on the passenger side, MK-19 on the weapon's ring, and MG in the bed. None of the Dumvee photos I've seen have a second MG on the weapon's ring and I wonder why not.
* Dumvees have many radio antennaes. Question: Do all the radios go in the center console or are some mounted on the roof or behind the gunner, or do all antennaes feed to the SINCGARS?
* What is normally stored behind the gunner's platform or is that area empty? Being open, I'm wondering if I should put the ammo cans behind the gunner or in the cargo bed only (I already built a ring rack for cans).
* Is it common practice for MGs to hang belts, or have attached ammo boxes?
Thanks for the answers