Howdy "Roo,
Thx for posting pics of your ' kids'

And I must say, they sure are growing up to be a bloody good-looking brood!
Your wrecker (#11 cab) is looking good, did I miss posted photos of the in-progress frame/suspension bashing efforts on this one? I generally only get a few minutes to scan the 'latest posts' section, so I guess I could have missed it, or more likely a memory failure on my part.
The cargo hauler (#12 cab) is coming along nicely as well. Both of these trucks are done utilizing the front section of the Ford 'Quad' correct?
And of course your ambulance is sweet. And this one is from the Chevy 15CWT kit? (by the way, I'm still trying to acquire one of those for ya, if I ever get the time to get away from work).
Nice stuff pardner. But let's recap. You've got 1
wrecker...1 slab-sided cargo truck.....and 1 hard-sided ambulance....hmmmmmm, for the life of me I can't find anything
SOFT about any of them! This
is called a
Softskin build....right??
......ohhhhh, stop chuckling and give us a kiss!

:-) :-)