M998 on your picture is typical soft-top cargo version. It is used by Army. Marines use slightly modified version, with higher engine air intake and long vertical exhaust pipe.
Doors on the picture are correct for this type. Soft-top Humvees generally do not use armored doors - it wouldn't make much sense when the roof and back of drivers compartment are canvas... Of sourse some of M998 Humvee used now in Iraq may be modified by units with some improvised armor plates and may even have doors from hard-top Humvees installed, but these are not standard features.
Please note that while the picture is correct, the parts in Academy kit are not. Windows in canvas doors in the kit are much too small and need to be corrected, otherwise the model looks very odd.
And while indeed most Humvees have new mirrors now, I wouldn't be surprised to see some vehicles still equipped with old mirrors.
Also most Humvees now use newer style wheels and tires, but older ones as those on the picture still can be found.