This was what I've been told at the
Axis History Forum [quote]If you do decide to do 222 near the Stavelot bridge, pay close attention to the camoflage pattern in the photos. 222 had the "ambush scheme" dots, but it was apparently painted by spray instead of brush, and it had a different pattern from most of the other tanks of s. SS-Pz.Abt. 501 seen in the Ardennes. Many of those seem to have had a "standard" pattern with the ambush dots and very similar overall brush-painted schemes (008, 105, 204, 213, and some others that don't show the turret numbers in photos).
It's possible that 222's paint was different because it may have been one of 11 Tiger IIs that were built in Sep 44 and originally delivered to s. Pz.Abt. 509, but taken away and given to SS-501 in early Dec 44. I have no proof of this, but Tiger 332 (now at Fort Knox) was apparently one of those 11, and it was painted by spray (but with no "ambush" dots).
You'll also see some differences of opinion in the color of the 222 turret numbers. In some of the photos and films (it was filmed at different locations by two SS-Kriegsberichter teams) it looks like the turret numbers are a lighter color with no outlines. Other photos look like a light shade, with an even lighter outline. No hard evidence either way. The other 2. Kompanie numbers showing in photos (204, 213) look like they're probably the usual red-white.
At any rate, 222 didn't have the same paint scheme as many of the rest of the SS-501 tanks, so the surviving photos have to be the guide.
What do you think?