Most kits from Maquette are making use of old molds from other Eastern Bloc companies, then they add some new sprues and may be some resin.
To begin with, the old molds they're using are not very good, while the "newly added" sprues are of quality ranged from very bad to average.
The resin parts are no better. I have their Archer set, the resin parts are very poor. (if anyone wants to build it, send me 20 bucks and I will happily send the kit to you)
The AEC kit is of decent quality though.
They have done a nice try on their T-34 project. DML has delayed they releases for a few year. (how many years between DML release their first few T-34/85 and they release of T-34/76? From what I heard is that DML could do it many years ago, but somehow they went to hibernation) So that gave the Maquette T-34's a "grace period". Now with all those DML T34's around, there is no reason to buy or build a Maquette one.
If you have tried a DML T34, you will agree to me, that if you want a T34, it has to be DML, or converted from DML chassis.
Maquette has some other interesting subjects though. If you don't mind a bit of work, they are worth a try.