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Stryker in 1:35 Scale Coming
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Posted: Friday, July 30, 2004 - 03:51 AM UTC
Tiger Productions' 1:35th scale Stryker announcement

Don't know if this has already been posted, but the above is a link to Tiger Productions' announcement of their upcoming 1:35th scale resin Stryker IFV.

Figured someone other than myself might find this news exciting!

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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 30, 2004 - 04:09 AM UTC
That is exciting but I'm going to hold on to my wallet in hopes that Tamiya puts one out some day. I know it is probably wishful thinking but I'm not giving up yet.

I really wish Tamiya would do a series of Stryker and LAV based vehicles.
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Posted: Friday, July 30, 2004 - 04:41 AM UTC
Thanks Gunnie. I will be looking forward to seeing this one as a kit.
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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 30, 2004 - 06:47 AM UTC
Howdy Jim,

Many thx for the heads up on this new release. From the pics I can't tell if the kit is manufactured like the LAV (hollow), or a 'brick' of resin like the V-100 from Verlinden. Any idea?
Also like sgtsauer, I will be waiting to see exactly how many sheckles they will be asking for said release.

Still...good news.


I have to remind myself that I STILL have my Accurate Armour M1070 Super HET plus M1000 Trailer (in resin) to build.
Maybe someone should start a 'Tank Transporter Campaign', so those of us with either the Super HET, Faun, Dragon Wagon, or Trumpeter Chinese SA Missle Transporter will feel obliged to build our 'Big Box' items!..;-0

Oops.....that's right, you've already built your Tank Transporter...haven't you Gunnie? And a bloody good build it is too!!
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California, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 30, 2004 - 07:41 AM UTC
Well, I hardly need an excuse to build another tank transporter. I've got my Trumpeter Franny and new Tamiya Leopard 2A6 just sitting patiently under my workbench waiting until I return from Phoenix. If someone screams "group build" or "campaign" for the big tank transporters - I'm there!

Jose Rodriguez sent me an e-mail - and I'm rutting around to see if I've got any information or photos to help their efforts out. From the test shots, it appears the hull is solid. I'm not sure whether or not this is the intended production result - but I'll ask!

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Posted: Friday, July 30, 2004 - 10:36 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Jose Rodriguez sent me an e-mail - and I'm rutting around to see if I've got any information or photos to help their efforts out. From the test shots, it appears the hull is solid. I'm not sure whether or not this is the intended production result - but I'll ask!

Thank you sir!

[qoute]Well, I hardly need an excuse to build another tank transporter.
If someone screams "group build" or "campaign" for the big tank transporters - I'm there!

Hmmmmm.............seem's like there's already too many plates spinning around here, but geeeee.......the idea of a TT (Tank Transporter) GB or Campaign is genuinely tempting........................

It would definitely have to be a 'stretcher' timewise, and I have already heard desenting voice's around these parts regarding 'stretcher's'........but, when real life is going on around you......there's not much choice.

Anybody out there game to run it??............my thought's turn to animal. He hasn't helmed a Campaign yet......has he?.........animal?..........Vodnik?...........let's see......Tank Transporter's......who would you think of when you think Tank Transporter's ( is it obvious I'm avoiding mentioning Gunnie?) Methink's our good Gunnie is already overloaded, and I would not want him to send the California Mob after me!....
Roo's already involved and busy, Cuhail's into trains......(surprised he hasn't suggested a rail-based Campaign........geeeez ).........come on everybody.....who am I forgeting??..........

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Posted: Friday, July 30, 2004 - 09:28 PM UTC
OK, I'll drop a name in the hat...Matt. He has one waiting to be started...nothing in the way of a bunch of kits in front of it either, (perhaps his LAV for another campaign) other than that he's keeping a low profile in his basement. So...I'd say we enlist Matt.

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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 02:29 AM UTC
I am overwhelmed 'Tread - but - if my "big brother" Animal or Matt takes the Helm then I'd offer to be their able and always willing alternate/co-leader!

I just want to be fair to all participating and not sit in the center seat when my professional and family priorities come to the forefront.

I've also heard the dissenting voices about longer group build/campaign activities. The ultimate answer to that is to participate in what you like - don't participate in what you don't want to do. I need the time because I have many, many, things going on at any given time.

Besides, a tank transporter and something being hauled can get rather involved - even built straight out of the box. I can't see this one being a speed contest...

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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 02:51 AM UTC
I've been following this thread with a keen interest since the Tank Transporter topic was brought up. I am definitely interested in being a part of it if the campaign/group build materializes. I have a Dragon Wagon and a Famo w/trailer sitting on the shelf waiting for my attention.

My plans for either kit is to build not only the transporter/trailer but to also place a vehicle on the trailer. So, for me it would definitely be a long process.

I agree with you guntruck, it definitely could not be a speed contest. Besides everyday life disrupting things off and on, I am currently involved in two campaigns ("incoming" & "move it") so I wouldn't be able to start until the conclusion of the "move it" campaign. As for the duration of the campaign/group build, the longer the better in my opinion. Just my two cents. I will keep following this topic as it unfolds. Maybe this should become a seperate topic?
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 03:51 AM UTC
O.K. Guys,
Normally I would jump on the chance to start a rail-based campaign, but, I have so much other stuff on my plate at home and work, I'm finding it hard to do the work for the 3 campaigns I'm in now ( Move it!, T2KIV, and Incoming!). I feel I can do a campaign no justice right now by running one.
Not to say it won't happen.
It's a good idea and if someone else jumped on it, I would join and build as much as anybody, but, I won't be starting it now. Maybe after X-Mas. (:-)

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California, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 04:39 AM UTC
Here's a thought guys...

We can set the Campaign up to run from Summer 2004 (or whatever season we decide) to the corresponding season 2005. The trick is - everyone participating must enlist in the Campaign.

Fabio recently PM'ed me because I forgot to award his his Cold War Campaign Ribbon. I was easily able to return to the Campaign Page and award him the Ribbon because he had enlisted properly - though the Campaign is long over with.

I need to do the same with T2K - once - I get a hold of the Ribbon we decided to use - or get another one to Jim ASAP...

Point is, we could setup the Campaign for a longer period and just monitor it as we go. When you finish - the Leader can award the Ribbon. My thought here is more like the Boy Scout Merit Badges - the Ribbon or Medal award in this Campaign is awarded when the tank transporter is completed. This allows participants to have fun in other Campaigns without the added "pressure" of trying to meet the deadline in this one. This one should be all about finishing the tank transporter.


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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 05:02 AM UTC
I think you have a great idea guntruck. Afterall, completing ANY tank transporter kit in 1/35th scale would be an accomplishment. Adding the pressure of a deadline to it wouldn't make it anymore enjoyable. I agree with the 12 month time limit as well. I am definitely in whenever this thing kicks off.

I am anxious to see what other members think.
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 05:11 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Here's a thought guys...

We can set the Campaign up to run from Summer 2004 (or whatever season we decide) to the corresponding season 2005. The trick is - everyone participating must enlist in the Campaign.

Fabio recently PM'ed me because I forgot to award his his Cold War Campaign Ribbon. I was easily able to return to the Campaign Page and award him the Ribbon because he had enlisted properly - though the Campaign is long over with.

I need to do the same with T2K - once - I get a hold of the Ribbon we decided to use - or get another one to Jim ASAP...

Point is, we could setup the Campaign for a longer period and just monitor it as we go. When you finish - the Leader can award the Ribbon. My thought here is more like the Boy Scout Merit Badges - the Ribbon or Medal award in this Campaign is awarded when the tank transporter is completed. This allows participants to have fun in other Campaigns without the added "pressure" of trying to meet the deadline in this one. This one should be all about finishing the tank transporter.



If we can get to start after Sep. I would give it ago. the part about awarding a medal or ribbon upon completion sounds like the best idea yet. I would like to see that for all the campaigns. A person who is finished in one could work on another campaign. Some of us have more time to build than others and this could accommodate everybody this way. We still would need a start and finish date for each campaign. Let me go over the requirements for running a campaign and If I think I can do it I Will throw my hat into the ring.
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 05:50 AM UTC

Quoted Text

"...Here's a thought guys...

...we could setup the Campaign for a longer period and just monitor it as we go. When you finish - the Leader can award the Ribbon. My thought here is more like the Boy Scout Merit Badges - the Ribbon or Medal award in this Campaign is awarded when the tank transporter is completed. This allows participants to have fun in other Campaigns without the added "pressure" of trying to meet the deadline in this one. This one should be all about finishing the tank transporter.



Yeah!......I've got a thought...........you're bloody brilliant Gunnie!!!
Actually, I want to take this opportunity to share a couple more thoughts.
I have been very busy as of late. As I'm quite sure many of us are (Gunnie, that includes you ).
So, I haven't been able to participate on a daily basis in my "Incoming!!" Campaign duties. So I was originally very concerned about the Campaign starting to run amok without me ramrodding it everyday..........but, ya know what gent's? You guys have absolutely knocked me over the railing and into the sea with how well, how devoted, and how smooth all of the participant's have been in regards to sticking with their chosen commitment, posting in-progress pics, and self-regulating a VERY positive progress so far..........it's been an honour to be part of such a successful team effort.
My point here is; A 'stretcher' (as I've coined it), is a very viable option! All because the vast majority of us are bound by our commitment, and also enjoy the experience. Fact is, we are a group that can be trusted to at least be hangin' around the Finish Line, if for no other reason than we love wearing those silly paper number tags on our shirts! (hehe).

Now.....add the idea of awarding a 'merit badge' style ribbon (this thought has also crossed my mind in the past, but darn glad Gunnie actually said it ) when you finish said Campaign, and I think you really have a winning combination!
As our good animal has stated. Some of us, through either retirement or some other variant of low-stress lifestyle, have the time to devote to modeling on a more regular basis, while, some of us (me included) most certainly do not. So, the awarding of a participating ribbon upon completion for that person;s efforts is 'Brill!'.......
and anyone who disagree's is an 'Ork'!.......

Now (since I'm getting a bit long-winded), about this 'Start Date' stuff.......I'm still perplexed by limitations on starting something.........still not processing that bit of 'short bus' stuff.
Between assembling reference's, photos, kit's, AM products, plastic stock, etc, etc. You've got to be kidding about "Start Dates".......right?

sorry, but just my synapse-firing challenged thoughts......ya'll!..


Hmmm, after re-reading my post, I kind of lost my focus there, and forgot to say something of some import.
First, I don't know about all of you, but my facial expression would resemble the 'cat who ate the canary' if animal ramrodded this one, with Gunnie as his 'Rowdy Yates'. I mean, we are talking truck's right? And, we are talking BIG truck's.....correct? Geeez, if we could get 'Roo to throw a saddle over a Dingo and help out I think we'd have a pretty unique little idea here ladies.........thought's?

And, finally. Based upon (fingers crossed) these fine gent's stepping up to the plate and making this a "Thunderbirds are GO!' deal, I would have to insist ("Pssssst!"....this is where all of you stand beside me with signs saying the same thing...) that all of the CO's really go overboard with the 'in-progress' stuff!.........come on, anybody else got a sign?
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2004 - 11:07 PM UTC
I'm in...

sometimes you gotta build the big dogs too... (now I just have to get my hands on the GAZ transporter from PSP...and some money!)

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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 02:44 AM UTC
Mighty good to hear from you Jacques........but I think I scared them all away!!!!!!!......


next time I've got to remember to say less.......it's those late night glasses of 'vino'........
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Posted: Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 05:40 AM UTC
Hiya Tread,

Always araound in some form...just a matter of either posting or else building...I usually prefer to build, but I am running out of inspirational steam...time to start posting again!
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Overijssel, Netherlands
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Posted: Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 09:52 PM UTC
At first I didn't know what you all were talking about ... campaigns ??
I just read the explenation about campaigns and it sure sounds like fun. So if there is going to be a campaign for tanktransporters you can count me in. I have only just started my Faun and could use the motivation


PS If a campaign is started, what do I need to do to join the campaign ?
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Posted: Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 10:40 PM UTC
Got a Dragon Wagon glowering in my model stash because it's feeling neglected (and rightly so). I think I'd like to get in on this one. Build the D-Wagon and maybe a Pershing to ride on it... alrighty then... I'm in.

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Posted: Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 10:41 PM UTC
Yep... I've got a DW in the stash.........