First, thanks Gino, Matt, and Frank for providing info to back me up. All though I appriciate it, I dont hink I gave out any information that hasnt already been given out on the news or papers here.
12 years in the military, I think I know a little bit about OPSEC!!!! I lived OPSEC for 3 years in Germany back in the early 90's. Watching what you said on the phone when you talked with your family back in the states, having to leave early in the morning to work, because you lived out in the ecomomy and had to check your car for bombs and other stuff.
Im not a "NO-GO" soldier. I've done my active duty time. I've already been to the "Big Sand Box", so the comment about having bullets wiz by my head and watching my budies head explode, was not warrented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not sure if you know this, but all our FRAGO and Mob orders are on the internet. Daily staff breifings are psoted there to. Granted, you need to be a military memeber to sign in and have an AKO account to access these sights, but now a days, you can get into anything with a little now how. So if you dont beleive me and think what I said is the ultimate sin, see for your self!!!!!!
Texas Army Online