very nice looking diorama.
I have a couple of question, about the reallity of it,
you says it the scenary is about D Day,
First the swastika, if you put a flag on the ground it is to be recognize from friendly fire or in this case friendly air plane but the only problem on D Day was that the Allies had control of the air not the Luftwafe, so or the officier in your dio is a suicidal thinking hey come here and shoot me or you might need too put the flag out of the dio the idea is good but might in reallity bring some trouble.
Second, you have one soldier hoe get out of the tranch as you said the German spoted the US troops, my experience is if you spot someone hoe is gone attack your defended tranch it will be wize to stay in the tranch and wait for the attack, let the ennemy think you haven t spotted it then the suprise is for the one hoe attacked *(in the fought of doing it in complet suprise ) and be then suprise that the defences are stronger ( hiope you understand my point.