The colors are, well, the requisite German armor colors of yellow, green, red/brown. I don't pay attention to the RALs and dunkels, and graus, and brauns, et al, I just go by the labels on the bottles!
I'll do the basic dark wash; after the base cammo, I'd do a light Future "wash" to seal the paint.
When thoroughly dry, apply any decals and re-Future over the decals.
Then a thin dark wash to get the details to pop out in required areas.
The glossy Future helps control where the wash flows and prevents splotching of the major surfaces.
When completely dry, selected artists quality colored pencils - sharpened or dulled as needed - and a No 2 pencil. Use the colored pencils to do wooden handles, steel bits, etc; the surface details that I couldn't possibly finesse with even a fine paint brush.
Then a flat coat, then the No 2 pencil for any fresh shiny scrapes, scratches, track and MG barrell highlites. Works out OK.