Armor/AFV: Axis - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Axis forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
My Tiger I
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Singapore / 新加坡
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 12:52 AM UTC
Hi all..

built this a few months ago... Its the Academy kit (exterior model), the only gripe i have with this kit is the damn tracks...its too thick and long (about 3 links too long i think) but oh well...

other than that, its quite a fine kit

comments and criticisms are most welcomed!

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Metro Manila, Philippines
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 01:07 AM UTC
Well done mate! The only problem I see is the decals. I can see the edges of the decals.
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Minnesota, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 01:20 AM UTC
I like it! Well done indeed. I'm currently building the Academy Tiger with interior and I have no complaints about the kit (haven't gotten to the tracks yet).

I have 3 observations:

I like the paint job...not too much paint chipping.

It looks like you have installed the smoke grenade brackets on the turret but not the cannisters?

I would weather the towing cables, maybe add a little rust with a black/dark brown wash. They look pretty shiny.

Keep up the good work.
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Distrito Federal, Mexico
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 01:38 AM UTC
OK......here is the long list.....
1) the tracks seem to be OK, but there is no sag in them, see if you can glue them to the road wheels, if not then you are in trouble....
2)the decals, yu need to cut the clear decal around the numbers to keep away from it or there is another way
a.-apply some future floor wax to the area where you want to stick the decal to eithere by airbrush or paintbrush.
b.-stick the decal, and if you can use some decal solution from "Microscale".
c.-another coat of future
d.- your favorite dullcoat.

Anothere not very important thing is that you used the wrong decals for an all dark yellow tank, academy includes decals for tank 712, which was in Tunisia and you could have used for it.
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England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 01:58 AM UTC
Hi danny good job on your Tiger,is it your first Tiger?what i would do is add a nice set of friuls on it and that will give your tracks a nice sag.The tank that you have done was a das reich Tiger,should of added a green or redbrown camo on it .also i would make your mud a bit darker.cheers
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New York, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 04:54 AM UTC
thats a cool looking tiger,
i have the same kit waiteing to be built .
u did a nice job on it
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England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 06:29 AM UTC
You're getting there, but there are one or two areas where it could be improved.
All the brackets holding the cable should be in the same colour as the main body of the tank. Try to make your scratches look a little more random. Some of the scratches would be old and therefore have rust streaks from them. The tyres on the wheels look way too dark, try a gray for these instead of black. be more careful with the placement of your tools. The hammer on the foredeck is 'bent'. Also the bracket on the spade should be body colour. As already mentioned the track sag isn't there, but this is probably because you cut three links off?
Always place decals on a gloss surface and matt down when dry. No silvering or carrier film this way.
Hope this helps!

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Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 08:42 AM UTC
I wouldn't have even noticed the tracks if you hadn't mentioned them, I think it looks very good. Fat tracks are better than skinny tracks. :-)
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 09:30 AM UTC
nice tanks i like it, the tow cable a little bit too clean,

what is the dull coat for ? and what colour?

Quoted Text

d.- your favorite dullcoat.

is it necesseary to use "microscale" ?

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Singapore / 新加坡
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Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 11:03 AM UTC
hi all, thanks for the criticisms, they're needed to improve my skills

Hi Karl, this is my very first Tiger. As i'm still a beginner in modelling, i didnt finish up much models (i started modelling around November last year..i wanted to actually model Aircrafts but... things started to change and you guys should know the rest )

about the track, oh well...should have bought an AM track to replace it... i cant 'sag' the damned tracks now...

and 1 question, can dullcoat be brushed on? i only own paint brushes right now

i have all the comments noted, thanks again people
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Colorado, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 04:56 AM UTC
Maybe you can try to tie the track down, to help give it some sag.
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Arizona, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 05:35 AM UTC
One of the hardest technique is to make plastic look old. Your first few tanks will look like "toys" and after a lot of practice on "aging" techniques, your models start looking "old" and "weathered"...
The internet and Modeling books are endless with ideas and different techniques... dont get discouraged
I'm learning as well....