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What camouflage scheme will you do for this one?
Its funny you should ask this Rowan...lol
Basically I thought I'd give a little test to one of the examples from Luft 46 Colours Part 4.
The underside was sprayed with a can and the base top colour was airbrushed. Everything else is brush painted....I tried to make look it a little weathered this way...hence the patchy appearance, especially on the blue-grey. I blurred the edges of the thin RLM 76 wavy lines by blending with neat thinners before the paint was completely dry....(after base coat blue-grey and green completely dry)
Its a little rough around the edges at the moment. The canopy seating needs further attention...but it's ready for the chalks to tone down a little.
I chose to do it by brush just to re-visit old pre-airbrush methods...
I do have a help question though....I masked off the jet nozzle and hand applied the steel Humbrol metalcote and it polished up quite nicely...but I ask should I have waited and done this last? Or...will future degrade the finish? I realise I'll have to mask it off again for the dull/matt finish coat.
