Logan received this kit as a "Big Brother" present for being so helpful & wonderful to his mom, dad, & little brother (That & I got it for 3.00USD at the last HobLob sale...

The kit is Tamiya's 'Wild Willy' 4x4, motorized. The scale on the box claims 1:32, but even allowing for the comical proportions it scales closer to 1:28 for a CJ-3. No matter though, 'cause this thing is a blast! All I did was clip the parts from the sprues, clean 'em up with a file, and point to the next step in the instructions. With that little prompting he was able to finish assembly of the kit (maybe 30 parts max) in 1/2 hour. It'll climb a 15 deg slope, runs quick across the kitchen floor, and can handle tree roots with aplomb.
WARNING- for those with domestic animals: This vehicle WILL climb right over the average housecat in repose(with detrimental effects for all involved), and the average canine considers it fair game

On to the pics:

ATTENTION- in keeping with a recent forum topic, sensitive viewers may wish to avoid this next picture, as it contains a casualty:

So there you have it- get 'em started off right- and watch out for those Dogs!!
p.s.- the kit comes with stickers to decorate the jeep (in place of decals) but three year olds generally like to decorate themselves (& the cat

Questions, comments, & suggestons happily requested!
RobH & Logan