Hi guys, thanks for the comments. To answer a few of the questions:
Davy, yes it is the AA conversion used with the Tamiya kit. The AA set is very nice, fit was very good. The only small problem is be sure to test fit the lower armor plate on the front glacis. I had to trim just a little bit on each side so it would fit between the two lifting lugs.
"Zod" Yes those are the kit sprockets. I had heard that they didn't have the lightening (sp?) holes but I guess Tamiya fixed that. The markings were included with the AA set. I tried something new on this one with the tracks. I basecoated them with a 50/50 mixture of Tamiya flat black, and XF-9 hull red. I was going for a dusty dirty look so I sprayed Tamiya buff Xf-57 thinned at a ratio of about 10% paint to 90% thinner on the outside surfaces. Then I used MMP weathering powders and MIG pigments in 4 coats put on dry, starting with dark earth, then earth dirt, medium earth, and finally European dust. This gave me a nice variation of dirt colors. Next I mixed the Euro dust pigments with some brush cleaner and put it on the tracks, (just a light coat) when it was dry I brushed off the excess with a tooth brush leaving a little in the recesses. Finally I drybrushed the contact surfaces with Model Master Steel. Whew! when typed out that sounds like a long drawn out process, but it really didn't take too long at all. I think the tracks still need a little more "metal" showing that's why I'm going to rub a little graphite on the visible contact surfaces. Yes I plan on painting the taillights, that will be done when I'm doing the detail painting.
Bob Thanks for answering Jeff's question. Jeff If you're interested here is a link to my original post in June. There is a little more info in the thread about the SP
https://armorama.kitmaker.net/forums/31995&page=1Thanks again,