In spite of many helpful posts on this subject I would like to run something by you...
For canopy masking I normally use Tamiya masking tape cut into tiny stips which I use to follow the edges of the glazed panels then fill in with liquid mask which is fine.
But now that I'm following the tried and trusted method of applying camo, 2 coats of fiuture, decals and the next 2 coats of future then the matt coat with pre-shading and post shading in between, the time for the masked canopy is now quite long and sometimes very long which I find can make the tape react a little, leaving residue on the glass, which is a bugger to get off.
I wondered if it would be possible to do the canopy mask as usual, attach the canopy and then just paint the canopy aera first with the camo colour and the matt coat. Then remove mask and then re apply a loose mask to protect it before continuing with the rest of the painting, weathering and decalling....??
I ask because in some circles I've read its best to remove the initial mask as early as possible, even before the paint is completely set...i.e. touch dry.
I've not tried Parafilm as I've not found it anywhere in Riyadh.
Any views and comments would be a great help...thanks.