During my recent research into all things 'Sherman'

Apparently what make's this version of the venerable Sherman different from the rest is; In an attempt to address the Sherman's 'ground pressure' problems, the addition of extended end connectors, or 'duckbills' on the outside of the tracks seemed to help the situation. The 'E9' version took this one step further by adding 'duckbills' on the inside edge of the track as well!
The way they did this was to 'space-out' the bogey trucks approx. 4.5 inches from the lower hull. The idea worked extremely well, but by that time the wider WVSS track system had become available and essentially overshadowed the variant.
I have been trying to scout for photos of this variant on the web, with NO luck. I don't suppose any of you with the Hunnicutt 'Bible' could see if it's pictured there?
Because, just FYI (are you listening ShermiesRule?
