so here you go, my 1/72 diorama, Somme 1916...small stoyline being that the british have taken a german front line trench and are using it to fight the germans who are still occupying their second line trench, after weeks of going over the top in an attempt to take the trench, both sides are making one last stand..... the light artillery gun was knocked out some weeks earlier.
The Somme offensive of 1916 was in the end...a complete failure, on the first day of the offensive, more men died than in any whole battle in history.
I would also like to dedicate this Diorama to my great grandfather, William Brown, who fought through the Somme offensive with the Black Watch, he died in 1992.
heres to you mate

cheers guys

p.s. do i need to put these in the incoming folder as well as my gallery?