Mnay thanks for the 'heads-up' Gunnie. I've been waiting for you to let us all know about it.
It looks like an exellent scope of work . And it's available in hard-cover! Nice..... :-)
For the record I am ordering one of the signed editions.
Also for the record, and in case any of you are not aware. Our Gunnie, yes, the man who so selflessly tries his darndest to answer our queries when he can, is a significant contributor to this book. Now Gunnie is too modest to say this for himself, so I am stepping forward to say it for him. He, (Gunnie), can get mad at me if he want's to, I just thought it was fitting that he be recognized for his contribution to what will obviously be THE Guntruck book for quite awhile!
BTW, I'll bet 'Dollars to Doughnuts' that the modeling section in the book has more than one picture of our Gunnie's superb work! :-) :-) :-)