Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive
This is the campaign group for Ardennes Offensive
Hosted by Richard S.
German OOB and weapons....
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 04:07 AM UTC

this is the first installment of some of the work I have been doing. Mostly for fun, and my own interest. I hope it is of good use to anyone of you. Right now all info is for German units, as that is where most of my own interest lies.

I have taken the liberty of using the Order of battle of the HPS Simulations game: Panzer Campaigns: Bulge ’44. So far I have not seen major complaining by grognards on the web about any of the games in this series (10 volumes so far), so I assume they are pretty much correct. As grognards can be as bad as the most annoying rivet counter.

German units down to abteilung (battalion)level:

[*] XXXIX PzK, 5 PzAOK (5th Panzer Army):

167th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Reg: 331, 339, 387 (Foot).
Art. Regt. 167 (horse):
Pio. Abt. 167 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 16799 (foot).
StuG. Kp. 1167.

[*] LVIII PzK, 5 PzAOK (5th Panzer Army):

116th Panzer Division.
Pz. Aufk. Abt. 116.
Pz. Regt. 16.
Pz. Gren. Regt. 60 (halftrack) and 156 (mot).
Art. Regt. 146 (mot).
Pz.Pio.Abt. 675 (mot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 228.
Heer FlaK. Abt. 281 (mot).

560th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Reg: 1128, 1129, 1130 (foot).
Art. Regt. 1560 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 1560 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 1560(foot).
StuG. Kp. 1560.

Corps troops.
Volkswerfer Brig. 7 (Reg. 84 and 85) (all mot).
401. Volksartillerie Korps (mot).
Flak. Abt. 226 and 497 (mot).

[*] LXVI PzK, 5 PzAOK (5th Panzer Army):

18th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Reg: 293, 294, 295(foot).
Art. Regt. 1818 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 1818 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 1818(foot).
StuG. Kp. 1818.
Fus. Abt. 1818 (recon, bicycle).
Feld Ers. Abt. 18 (foot)

62nd VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Reg: 164,183,190 (foot).
Art. Regt. 162 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 162 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 162(foot).
StuG. Kp. 162.
Fus. Abt. 162 (recon, bicycle).

Corps Troops.
Volkswerfer Brig 16 (Regt 86 and 87) (mot).
Le. Flak. Abt. 74.
Art. Abt. 460 (mot).
Stug. Brig. 244.
SS Art. Regt. 10 (mot).

Okay, this is the first installment....
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 04:09 AM UTC
Now the second installment... the remainder of the 5th Panzer Army.

[*] XLVII PzK, 5 PzAOK (5th Panzer Army):

2nd Panzer Division.
Pz. Aufk. Abt. 2.
Pz. Regt. 3.
Pz. Gren. Regt. 2 (halftrack) and 304 (mot).
Art. Regt. 74 (mot).
Pz.Pio.Abt. 38 (mot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 38.
Heer FlaK. Abt. 273 (mot).

9th Panzer Division.
Pz. Aufk. Abt. 9.
Pz. Regt. 33.
sPz. Abt. 301.
Pz. Gren. Regt 10 (halftrack) and 11 (mot).
Art. Regt. 102 (mot).
Pz.Pio.Abt. 86 (mot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 50.
Heer FlaK. Abt. 287 (mot).

Panzer Lehr Division.
Pz. Aufk. Abt. 130.
Pz. Regt. 130.
Pz. Gren. Regt. 901, 902 (halftrack and mot).
Pz. Art. Regt. 130 (mot).
Pz.Pio.Abt. 130 (mot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 130.
sPz. Jaeg. Abt 559.
Stug. Brig. 243.
Heer FlaK. Abt. 311 (mot).

26th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Fues. Regt. 39 (foot)
Grenadier Reg: 77, 78 (foot).
Art. Regt. 26 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 26 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 26 (horse).
StuG. Kp. 1026.
Fus. Abt. 26 (recon, bicycle).

SS Fuehrer Begleit Brigade
SS Pz.Aufk.Abt. 120.
Pz. Regt. FBB (used 2nd Btl. from Pz. Regt. GrossDeutschland).
SS Pz.Gren.Regt. 100 (halftrack).
SS Pz.Art.Regt. 120 (mot).
SS Pz.Pio.Abt. 120 (mot).
SS.Pz.Jaeg.Abt. 120.
Stug. Abt.200.
SS FlaK. Abt. 673 (mot).
SS Gren. Abt. 828 (Bicycle).

Corps Troops.
Volkswerfer Brig. 15 (Regt 55 and 85) (mot).
766th Volksartillerie Korps (mot).
Schwere Art. Batterie 1124 (mot).
Schwere Mrs. Batterie 1119 (mot).
Pio. Abt. 600 (mot).
FlaK. Abt. 182 (mot).
Bruecko J 846 (mot).

[*]Army troops 5th PzAOK.
sPz. Jaeg. Abt. 653.
Pio. Abt. 207 (mot)
Ost Battalion 669 (foot).
Moerser Bty 638 (mot).
sArt. Bty. 1094/1095, 1099, 1119 (all mot).
sMrs. Bty. 1121 (mot).
Fest. Art. Bty. 25/975 (mot)

This was 5th Panzer Army, 6th Army is next....
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 04:11 AM UTC
Here is the first installment of 6th Army (later to become 6th SS Panzer Army)

[*]1st SS Pz. Korps, 6. AOK (6th Army):

1st SS Panzer Division.
SS Pz.Aufk.Abt. 1.
SS Pz. Regt. 1.
sSS Pz. Abt. 501.
SS Pz. Gren. Regt. 1 and 2 (mot).
SS Art. Regt. 1 (mot).
SS Pz. Pio. Abt. 1 (mot).
SS.Pz.Jaeg.Abt. 1.
SS FlaK. Abt. 1 (mot).
Heer leFlaK. Abt. 84.

12th SS Panzer Division.
SS Pz.Aufk.Abt. 12.
SS Pz. Regt. 12.
SS Pz. Gren. Regt. 25 (halftrack and mot) and 26 (mot).
SS Art. Regt. 12 (mot).
SS Pz. Pio. Abt. 12 (mot).
SS.Pz.Jaeg.Abt. 12.
SS FlaK. Abt. 12 (mot).
Heer sPz. Jaeg. Abt 520.

3rd Fallschirmjaeger Division.
FJ. Aufk. Abt. 3 (mot).
FJ. Reg. 5, 8, 9 (foot).
FJ. Art. Regt. 3 (horse).
FJ. Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 3 (horse).
FJ. Pio. Abt. 3 (mot).

12th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Fues. Regt. 27 (foot)
Grenadier Reg: 48, 89 (foot).
Art. Regt. 12 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 12 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 12 (horse).
StuG. Kp. 1012.

277th Infanterie (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Regt: 989, 990, 991 (foot).
Art. Regt. 227 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 227 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 227 (horse).
StuG. Kp. 1227.

150th Panzer Brigade (Skorzeny unit).
Kf. Abt. 2150 (mixed armor)
Jag. Ver. Mitte.
SS. FJ. Abt. 600.
Heer Kampf Gruppe 200.
Heer Pz. Gern. Kp. 7 (halftrack).
sMrs. Kp. 150 (mot).
Einheit Sylau (deception units).

Corps Troops.
388th and 402nd Volksartillerie Korps (mot)
VolksWerfer Brig. 4 (Regt. 51 and 53) and 9 (Regt. 14 and 54) (mot).
SS sArt. Abt. 501.
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 04:12 AM UTC
Now the remainder of 6th Army....

[*]2nd SS Panzer Korps.

2nd SS Panzer Division.
SS Pz.Aufk.Abt. 2.
SS Pz. Regt. 2.
SS Pz. Gren. Regt. 3 and 4 (halftrack and mot) .
SS Art. Regt. 2 (mot).
SS Pz. Pio. Abt. 2 (mot).
SS.Pz.Jaeg.Abt. 2.
SS FlaK. Abt. 2 (mot).

9th SS Panzer Division.
SS Pz.Aufk.Abt. 9.
SS Pz. Regt. 12.
SS Pz. Gren. Regt. 19, 20 (foot).
SS Art. Regt. 9 (mot).
SS Pz. Pio. Abt. 9 (mot).
SS.Pz.Jaeg.Abt. 9.
SS FlaK. Abt. 9 (mot).

Corps Troops.
SS sArt. Abt. 502.
SS Werfer Abt. 502.

[*]LXVII Armee Korps.

3rd PanzerGrenadier Division.
Pz. Aufk. Abt. 103.
Pz. Abt. 103.
Pz. Gren. Regt 8, 29 (mot).
Art. Regt. 3 (mot).
Pz. Pio. Abt. 3 (mot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 3.
FlaK. Abt. 312 (mot).

246th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Reg: 352, 404, 689 (foot).
Art. Regt. 246 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 246 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 246 (horse).
StuG. Kp. 1246.
Fues. Abt. 246 (recon, bicycle).

272th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Reg: 980, 981, 982 (foot).
Art. Regt. 272 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 272 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 272 (horse).
StuG. Kp. 1272.

326th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Reg: 751, 752, 753 (foot).
Art. Regt. 326 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 326 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Ko. 326 (horse).

Corps Troops.
Volkswerfer Brig. 17 (Werfer Regt. 88 and 89) (mot).
405th Volksartillerie Korps
StuG. Brig. 902.
Sturmmrs. Ko. 1000/1001.

Armeetruppen AOK 6.
KG vd Heydte (Fallschirmjaeger) (foot).
Pio. Abt. 62, 73, 253 (mot).
Pio. Bruecken. Abt. 655 (mot).
sSS Pz. Abt. 506.
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 741.
SturmPz. Abt. 217.
StuG. Brig. 394.
StuH. Brig. 667.
sArt. Bty. 1098, 1100, 1121 (mot).
s. Mrs. Bty. 428 (mot).
Fest. Art. Bty. 1123 (mot).
Bruecko J. 844, 851, 895, 175.

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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 04:20 AM UTC
The first installment of 7th army and the OKW reserves

[*] LIII Korps, AOK 7.

9th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Reg: 36, 57, 116 (foot).
Art. Regt. 9 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 9 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 9 (horse).
StuG. Kp. 1009.

15th PanzerGrenadier Division.
Pz. Aufk. Abt. 115.
Pz. Abt. 115.
Pz. Gren. Regt 104, 115 (halftrack and mot).
Art. Regt. 115 (mot).
Pz. Pio. Abt. 33 (mot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 33.
FlaK. Abt. 315 (mot).

SS Fuehrer Grenadier Brigade
SS Pz. Aufk. Abt. 124.
SS Pz. Abt. 101.
SS Pz. Gren. Regt 99 (halftrack and mot).
SS Pz. Art. Regt. 124 (mot).
SS Pz. Pio. Abt. 124 (mot).
SS Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 124.
SS. FlaK. Abt. 124 (mot).
Heer Stug. Brig. 911.

[*]LXXX Armee Korps

212th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Regt: 316, 320, 423 (foot).
Art. Regt. 212 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 212 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 212 (horse).
StuG. Kp. 1212.
Fues. Abt. 212 (bicycle).

276th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Regt: 986, 987, 988 (foot).
Art. Regt. 276 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 276 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 276 (horse).
Fues. Abt. 276 (bicycle).

340th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Regt: 694, 695, 696 (foot).
Art. Regt. 340 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 340 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 340 (horse).
StuG. Kp. 1340.
Fues. Abt. 340 (bicycle).

Corps Troops.
VolksWerfer Brig. 8 (Regt. 2 and Lehr Regt.) (mot).
408th Volks Artillerie Korps (mot)

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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 04:21 AM UTC
And this is the final installment, including the OKW reserves.

[*]LXXXV Armee Korps.

5th FallschirmJaeger Division.
FJ. Aufk. Ko. 5 (mot).
FJ. Regt. 13, 14, 15 (foot).
FJ. Art. Regt. 5 (mot. and horse) .
FJ. Pio. Abt. 5 (mot).
FJ. FlaK. Abt. 5 (mot).
StuG. Brig. 11.

352th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Regt: 914, 915, 916 (foot).
Art. Regt. 1352 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 352 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 352 (horse).
StuG. Kp. 1179.

79th VG (VolksGrenadier) Division.
Grenadier Regt: 208, 212, 226 (foot).
Art. Regt. 179 (horse).
Pio. Abt. 179 (foot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 179 (horse).

Corps Troops.
VolksWerfer Brig. 18 (Werfer Regt. 21 and 22) (mot).
406th Volksartillerie Brig.

[*]Army troops AOK 7.

Pio. Abt. 677 (mot).
Pio. Bruecken. Abt. 605 (mot).
Bruecko J. 974 (mot).
Flak Regt. 15 (mot).
Fest. Abt. 999 (foot).
sPz. Jaeg. Abt. 657, 668 (mot).
MG. Abt. 44 (foot).
sArt. Bty. 1092/1093, 1124/1125, 660, 1122.

[*] OKW Resere.

10th SS Panzer Division.
SS Pz.Aufk.Abt. 10.
SS Pz. Regt. 10.
SS Pz. Gren. Regt. 21 and 22 (halftrack and mot) .
SS Pz. Pio. Abt. 10 (mot).
SS.Pz.Jaeg.Abt. 10.
SS FlaK. Abt. 10 (mot).
Heer sPz. Jaeg. Abt. 655.

11th Panzer Division.
Pz.Aufk.Abt. 11.
Pz. Regt. 33.
Pz. Gren. Regt. 110 (halftrack) and 111 (mot) .
Art. Regt. 119 (mot).
Pz. Pio. Abt. 209 (mot).
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 61.
FlaK. Abt. 277 (mot).

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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 04:50 AM UTC
Now follows the first installment of the weapons... mostly I have had to rely on data from the wargame, but it should give a nice idea what was used (I think the wargame used the mainstay weapon of the unit), as I doubt that the Germans would reject a functioning Panther A, Pz IV G or StuG II F/8. With the limited resources I have available myself I have not found massive errors. I do hope however when somebody has better info and can correct me, he/she will do so.

Pz IV Ausf. H:

II/Pz. Regt. 16
II/Pz. Regt. 3
I/Pz. Regt. 33 (9th Pz)
II/Pz.Regt. 130
1. Ko. Pz. Abt. 115
II/Pz Regt 33 (11th Pz)

Pz IV Ausf. J:

II/Pz. Regt. GrossDeutschland.
II/SS Pz. Regt. 1
II/SS Pz Regt. 12
II/SS Pz Regt. 2
II/SS Pz Regt. 9
1. Ko/SS Pz Abt. 101
II/SS Pz Abt. 10

Pz V

I/Pz Regt 16
I/Pz Regt 3
II/Pz Regt 33 (I think this is a typo, and 1st and 2nd Bat. should be reversed) (9th Pz)
I/Pz Regt 130
I/SS Pz Regt 1
I/SS Pz Regt 12
I/SS Pz Regt 2
I/SS Pz Regt 9
SS Pz Abt 101
I/SS Pz Abt 10
I/Pz. Regt 33 (11th Pz)

Pz VI E (Tiger I)
s Pz. Abt. 301

Pz VI B Kingtiger
sSS Pz. Abt. 501
sSS Pz. Abt. 506
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Arizona, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 12:04 PM UTC
Hey, may I ask what your talking about. Sorry im not trying to sound rude at all. I just see some valuable info and want to know what its about/ for. Thanks

Tsunami BOmb!
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 03:00 PM UTC
This is the German order of battle battle with units that were scheduled to take part in the Ardennes offensive. Not all of them did (OKW reserves ie.). It gives an uverview of the subunits for each division, and of army or corps level units. At least this is how far I could reconstruct it, with the limited resources I have.

The second section will be an overview of what weapons were used (as this is a very frequently asked question) and by which unit. The first installment of that (the armor) is already posted. Again there I am limited by my own resources (and time).

so for instance:

You want to know which unit used the King Tiger ?

You look it up and find that it were schwere SS Panzer Abteilungen 501 and 506 that used them. Abteilung 501 was attached to the 1st SS Panzer Divion (see OOB), while 506 was an 6th army unit (not attached to any division or corps specifically).

I know I am not being close to halfway perfect, but I thought it to be fun myself, and maybe possible to help out one or more other modellers... In this effort I am simply hampered by knowledge, lack of books, money and time...


Harm (PS. No offense taken).
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Washington, United States
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Posted: Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 12:07 AM UTC

Most sincere and heartfelt thanks. This is "totally" outstanding and provides a highly accurate and valuable reference for all of us. It especially is useful to those of us "preparing" for the "Battle of the Bulge" Campaign. Can't tell you how much this is appreciated. Thank you for your time and effort. Were it in my power, I'd have you submitted for a "Commendation" medal. Thanks again,

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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 04:49 AM UTC
Thanks for the compliments Blade48mrd !!!

But the work is not don yet... I could not help myself, so I pulled out my CC, and added a book about the Ardennes offensive to my order from Blackwells... so now it is somewhere between publisher and me. Any vehicles, captions I see I will mention, ofcourse...

Anyway, here is the second installment, the Sturmgeschuetze:

Stug III G:

StuG. Brig. 244.
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 38.
StuG. Brig. 243.
FJ. Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 3.
StuG. Ko. 1012.
2nd Bat. SS Pz. Regt. 2.
2nd Bat. SS Pz. Regt. 9.
Pz. Abt. 103.
StuG. Brig. 902.
StuG. Brig. 394.
Pz. Abt. 115.
StuG. Brig. 911.
StuG. Ko. 1212.
StuG. Brig. 11.

I assume that the StuG III F/8 could be found as well.

StuH '42:

StuH. Brig. 667.

StuG. IV:

SS StuG. Abt. 200.
FJ. Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 3.

(thanks to the work of Martin Block)

SturmPanzer IV:

SturmPz. Abt. 217.

SturmMoerser VI:

Sturmmrs. Ko. 1000/1001.

This is the SturmGeschuetze installment. Next up, the Panzerjaeger.

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Arizona, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 04:56 AM UTC
I do know alot of history on WWII and dont get me wrong, but this might be a stupid question. But i have been wondering about this for a long time. What did the grenadiers do?? i know a grenadier shoots nades out of their guns. but what were they back in WWII for the germans?
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 05:18 AM UTC
Now the installment of the Panzerjaeger.


StuG. Ko. 1167
StuG. Ko. 1560
StuG. Ko. 1818
StuG. Ko. 1162
StuG. Ko. 1026
StuG. Ko. 1277
StuG. Ko. 1246
StuG. Ko. 1272
StuG. Ko. 1340
StuG. Ko. 1179

Marder III:

SS Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 124.
This could be Marder III Ausf M (if I rember a few pics correctly). The Marder version is my own guess.

Pz. Jaeg IV/L70:

Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 228
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 50
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 130
SS Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 120
SS StuG. Abt. 200
SS Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 1
SS Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 12
sPz. Jaeg. Abt. 560
SS Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 2
SS Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 9
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 3
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 33
SS Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 10
Pz. Jaeg. Abt. 61


sPz. Jaeg. Abt. 559*
1. Ko. sPz. Jaeg. Abt. 560


sPz. Jaeg. Abt. 653

Notes: According to the militaria booklet, the 2nd and 3rd company of sPz. Jaeg. Abt. 559 were not Jagdpanther but StuG III G (12 per company + 2 befehls per company, making 28 total). If the table in the Nuts & Bolts volume (p 14) i correct, it could well be that only 1st Co. Of sPz. Jaeg. Abteilung took part in the offensive, as they only report Jagdpanthers on 30 December 1944 (2 operational, 2 in repair and 14 newly arrived), while Abt. 560 15 days before mentions both Jagdpanther and Jagdpanzer IV..

Now an arguably dissapointing message for Tuna. According to the Nuts & Bolts volume the only sPz. Jaeg. Abteilungen who took part in the offensive, and once were equipped with the Nashorn/Hornisse were Abt. 559 and 560... but these had converted to Jagdpanther before the offensive. Now on page 13 they show a table with units reporting Nashorns on December 30th 1944. The only Army Group B unit reporting them is the 2nd SS Pz. Division. They mention 20 total (8 operational and 12 in repair). Yet the author does not know of any document that backs up the claim made by 2nd SS at December 30th.

Hope this helps....
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 05:24 AM UTC
Grenadier was one of the terms the Germans used for infantry, and (but this I am not 100% certain about) usually was used for an elite-unit (at least before and early in the war). Grenadiere themselves regular infantry, while Panzer Grenadiere were armored infantry (at least on paper). Quite often only a few companies or battalions possesed armored personnel carriers.
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 11:58 PM UTC
Hi there11

Great list. Lots of VERY well done work!!

Any info in there on Puma's to MK II's (Lynx)?

Thanks again!!

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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 08:58 AM UTC
The installment about self-propelled artillery...

150mm SiG auf GW 38(t):

I think these are both the M and H version... In the Concord "armor at war" series about the Ardennes offensive contains only one pic of a Grille, an ausf. M belongint to SS Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 2.


PzG. Regt. 2
PzG. Regt. 304
PzG. Regt. 10
PzG. Regt. 11
PzG. Regt. 901
PzG. Regt. 902
SS PzG. Regt. 1
SS PzG. Regt. 2
SS PzG. Regt. 25
SS PzG. Regt. 26
SS PzG. Regt. 3
SS PzG. Regt. 4
SS PzG. Regt. 19
SS PzG. Regt. 20
SS PzG. Regt. 21
SS PzG. Regt. 22
Pz.G.Regt. 110
Pz.G.Regt. 111

Wespe and Hummel:

Art. Regt. 146
Art. Regt. 74
Art. Regt. 102
Pz. Art. Regt. 130
SS Pz. Art. Regt. 120
SS Art. Regt. 1
SS Art. Regt. 12
SS Art. Regt. 2
SS Art. Regt. 9
Art. Regt. 3
Art. Regt 119

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Kentucky, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 09:16 AM UTC
This is great. HPS knows their stuff. Thanks for the summaries!
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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Joined: April 26, 2004
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Posted: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 01:29 AM UTC
Indeed very nice list !! Made my choise already : King Tiger from the sSS Pz. Abt. 501
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Joined: March 09, 2008
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Posted: Sunday, March 09, 2008 - 06:22 AM UTC
Hi !
I hope everyone's ok since late 2004...
Congratulations about this oob you sorted out, very impressive !

I intend to make a 1/48 diorama about 4/7th RDG vs PzJg Abt 559 on7/8 sept. 1944 around Oostham, it'd depict the loss of ObLt Kopka's StuG III (3.Kie).
The pain is i have only a pict of the wreckage shot sometimes after the fight with the StuG upside down.
I'd like to know wether type (F/8 - G) it was and what markings would be accurate.
Any clue ? Thanks...
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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 12:33 PM UTC
I have been researching Kampfgruppe Peiper. This is some of the names and assignments I have found so far. Vehicle numbers and there fates are also listed where possible.

Kampfgruppe Peiper
Last Name Rank Assignment
Peiper Obersturmbannführer Kdr Kampfgruppe Peiper / SS-Panzer Regiment 1 "LSSAH"
Gruhle Hauptsturmführer AdjutantKampfgruppe Peiper / SS-Panzer Regiment 1 "LSSAH"
Fischer Untersturmführer AdjutantKampfgruppe Peiper / SS-Panzer Regiment 1 "LSSAH"
Becker Oberscharfüer Panther 001 Driver
Nasshag Sturmmann Panther 001 Loader
Panther 001 Gunner
Schierig Rottenführer Panther 001 Radio Operator
Pötschke Sturmbannführer Kdr. I./SS-Pz.Rgt.1
Buchheim Kdr. HQ Company, I./SS-Pz.Rgt.1
Otto Kdr. Supply Company, I./SS-Pz.Rgt.1
Kremser Obersturmführer Kdr. 1./SS-Pz.Rgt.1
Christ Obersturmführer Kdr. 2./SS-Pz.Rgt.1
Junker Obersturmführer Kdr. 6./SS-Pz.Rgt.1
von Westernhagen Sturmbannführer Kdr. Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 501 (Tiger 007)
Kalinowsky Obersturmführer Adjutant Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 501 (Tiger 008) KT 008 abandoned and rendered inoperable near Trois Points, at the St. Antoine farmhouse.
Dollinger Obersturmführer Signals Officer SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 009) (Took Tiger 213 on 22 Dec 44)
Franzel Oberscharführer Tiger 104??? KT 104 Knocked out on 19 Dec 1944 outside La Gleize.
Wessel Obersturmführer Kdr. 1. Kompanie Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 501 (Tiger 105 ) KT 105 Got stuck in a building in Stavelot on 18 Dec 44. Wessel then moved to Franzel's Tank, KT ???
Belbe Unterscharführer 2. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 105, Radio Operator)
Henniges Untersturmführer Platoon Leader 1. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 111 )KT 111 Abandoned near the St. Antoinne Farm at the Petit Spa Bridge on 25 Dec 1944.
Buchner Untersturmführer Platoon Leader 1. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 121)
Staudegger Standartenjunker 1. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 123)
Salamon Oberscharführer 1. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 124)KT 124 Abandoned near Stavelot with final drive failure.
Brandt Oberscharführer Platoon Leader 1. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 131 then took over 132)
Otterbein Unterscharführer Took over KT 132 after Brandt is killed on 25 Dec 44
Wendt Oberscharführer 1. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 133)KT 133 Disabled and destroyed near the Ambleve River near Petit Spa on 25 Dec 1944.
Stadler Unterscharführer 2. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 Headquarters Squad Leader (Tiger 204)KT 204 Abandoned on the road to Gue at Point K22 on 24 Dec 1944.
Möbius Hauptsturmführer Kdr. 2. Kompanie Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 501 (Tiger 205)KT 205 left behind, probably due to maintenance problems, at some point prior to 18 Dec 1944.
Hantusch Untersturmführer Platoon Leader 2. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 211)KT 211 knocked out in La Gleize on 22 Dec 1944.
Faustmann Unterscharführer Section Leader 2. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 213)KT 213 Taken over by Dollinger, knocked out at Werimont Farm, La Gleize, 22 Dec 44. Removed to La Gleize village square after the war and restored by the December 1944 Historical Museum.
Hahn Untersturmführer Platoon Leader 2. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 221)
Sowa Oberscharführer 2. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 222)KT 222 Knocked out on 19 Dec 44 in front of the approach to the Bridge in Stavelot
Lötzsch Hauptscharführer Platoon Leader 2. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 231)KT 231 Abandoned on the road to Gue at Point K22 on 24 Dec 44.
KT 304 Abandoned, location and date unknown.
Birnschein Hauptsturmführer Kdr. 3. Kompanie Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 501 (Tiger 305)
Amselgruber Untersturmführer Platoon Leader 3. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 311)
Ritter Oberscharführer 3. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 312)KT 312 Abandoned near the St. Antoinne Farm at the Petit Spa Bridge on 25 Dec 1944.
Lukasius Untersturmführer Platoon Leader 3. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 321)
von Westernhagen Hauptscharführer Platoon Leader 3. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 331)KT 331 halted by final drive failure and abandoned on hill east of Stavelot.
Blase Unterscharführer 3. Kompanie SS-Panzerabteilung 501 (Tiger 332)KT 332 abandoned on the road Trois-Points-La Gleize at the junction to Coo 18 Dec 44, because of mechanical damage.(Sergeant Glenn George in a Sherman encountered 332 parked on the side of the road. George immediately directed his gunner to fire at the Tiger. The crew had a white phosphorous shell loaded, and the smoke from this exploding shell apparently caused the German crew to think their vehicle was on fire. To George’s surprise they opened their hatches and scrambled out of the Tiger.)
KT 334 Hit on the right drive sprocket by 9 cm AA round on the road to Borgoumont at Les Tcheus on 22 Dec 1944.
Vogt Obersturmführer Kdr. Staff and Supply Kompanie Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 501
Klingelhöfer Hauptsturmführer Kdr. 7./SS-Pz.Rgt.1(PZ.Kmpf.IVH)
Rumpf Obersturmführer Kdr. 9./SS-Pz.Rgt.1 (Pioniere)
Rayer Oberscharführer 9.(Pio.)Kp./SS-Pz.Reg.1
Vögler Obersturmführer Kdr. 10.(flak)/SS-Pz.Rgt.1 (Flak-Vierlinge)
Ratschko Obersturmführer Kdr. Maintenance company, SS-Pz.Rgt.1
Diefenthal Sturmbannführer Kdr. III.(gep)/SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 2
Leike Untersturmführer Kdr. 9.(gep)/SS-Pz.Gre.Rgt.2
Preuß Obersturmführer Kdr. 10.(gep)/SS-Pz.Gre.Rgt.2
Tomhardt Obersturmführer Kdr. 11.(gep)/SS-Pz.Gre.Rgt.2
Thiele Hauptscharführer Kdr. 12.(gep)/SS-Pz.Gre.Rgt.2
Spitz Hauptsturmführer Kdr. 4.(leichte)/sSS Pz.Abt.501 ( )
Ludecke Obersturmführer Kdr. Supply company, III./SS-Pz.Gre.Rgt.2
Koch Obersturmführer Kdr. 13.(IG)/SS-Pz.Gre.Rgt.2 - Kdr:
Sievers Obersturmführer Kdr. 3.(gep)/SS-Pz.Pio.Btl.1
von Sacken Major Kdr. Flak Abteilung 84 - Kdr: 1-4 Bttr.
von Hoffmann Oberst Kdr. Fallschirmjager Regiment 9
Schiffke Hauptman Kdr. I./Rgt.9
Taubert Major Kdr. II./Rgt.9/FJÄ.Reg

Asmussen Untersturmführer
Bahrendt Untersturmführer 1.Pz.Kp. (Panther)
Dietrich Oberstgruppenführer Commander 6th Panzerarmee
Dörren Oberscharführe
Ehrhardt PzKw IV driver
Engel Generalleutnant Commander 12. Volksgrenadierdivision
Hansen Sturmbannführer Kampfgruppe Hansen
Hennecke Untersturmführer Tank 111
Heubeck Untersturmführer Panther
Horn Untersturmführer
Knittel Sturmbannführer Kampfgruppe Knittel
Meyer Sturmbannführer Aufkl. Abt.
Monhke Brigadeführer divisional commander of the Leibstandarte
Rempel Scharführer (8.Pz.Kp.), Mk.IVH
Rink Obersturmführer
Sandig Sturmbannführer Kampfgruppe Sandig, II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 2
Schnelle Sturmbannführer
Skorzeny Hauptsturmführer
Sternebeck Obersturmbannführer (commander), Panther
Strelow Oberscharführer Panther
Thomas Oberscharführer Panther
Tonk Hauptscharführer (6.Pz.Kp.), Mk.IVH
Waldmüller Sturmbannführer (I./SS-Pz.Reg. 25, later Kampfgruppe Waldmüller
Wemmel Rottenführer
Wien Oberscharfüer (5.Pz.Kp), Mk.IVH
Kampfgruppe Peiper Flak company
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Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, April 27, 2008 - 01:08 PM UTC
2 very good books regarding the Ardennes Offensive, 1st SS Pz Corps, are "The Devils Adjutant" and "Men of Steel" both by Michael Reynolds. Very in depth with after action reports equipment tables etc for both sides.

The Devils Adjutant book is predominantly covering Kampfgruppe Peiper's exploits. While Men of Steel covers the aftermath of the Bulge and the rebuilding of the SS Divisions and transfer to the Hungarian Front.

Steel Inferno is another book by the same author however this covers the 1st SS Pz Corps in Normandy.

All 3 books are fantastic reading.

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New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 - 09:54 PM UTC
A helpful resource, thanks, I always struggle to match units to time periods and locations.