Howdy Alan,
"crazy artillery piece..........."?...............Man!, give a guy with a 'Sherman' fixation (you
do still have a "Sherman fixation" don't you?.....?....?) an opportunity to rant with the {said in my best Donald Sutherland} 'negative waves' and what does he do?.........casts thunderclouds over all of a person's hard work.........geeeeeez.
Actually Shermie's, I was able to finish my (how did you say it again?) "crazy artillery piece" while I was back on the East Coast (N.J.). I am, as we speak, trying to get my mother to properly pack it and ship it back to me so I can post my finished pictures of the 'Model who would not get done' and complete my part of the "Incoming!!" record books.
Methinks you will like it. That is, since you've been 'straying' as of late.