Here's a up-date of my M-577 (dutch army version).
Still a few little things to do but almost ready for pianting.
I used The old Tamiya M-577 and scratch-build (for the first time) the rest, that beeing : al the tie-downs, smoke grenade gards, back lights, mirrors and last but not least the generator box.
I also used the modelkast tracks (I think thats it).
so I'll stop writing and let the pictures to the rest.
Let me know what you think

As you can see I had a real job filling in some of the gaps

The black lines are to get a feel for the camo patern

I had to do a lot of surfing on the net to get the right camo patern but I found it on this site http://www.panzerbaer.de/colours/index.htm
Hoop you guys like it