In the Photo I think the Marine Flag is the tip that leads you to the identification of the vehicle.
Try this one...
Note what is the same..
#1 front end very flush across but in your pic a front bumper guard has been added
#2 Turn signals mounted on top of the fenders.
#3 Air intake on the right fender behind the turn signal
#4 basic bumper has the same shape and size
#5 insterment panal above steering wheel has same rounded shape.
#6 the hood shape and how it sets a bit raised from the fenders is the same
#7 Roll Bar arangement appears to be similar but not 100% sure under all the gear.. just seems that way to me.
The Marine Corp's Interim Fast Attack Vehicle (IFAV) is a DaimlerChrysler model of the Mercedes-Benz MB 290 GD 1.5 ton truck off-road vehicle built as the Wolf Gelaendegaengige Kleinfahrzeuge {small all terrain vehicle} for the German Bundeswehr. First deployed to a US Marine unit in November 1999, the IFAV replaces its early 1980s counterpart, the M-151 Fast Attack Vehicle, which previously served as a smaller attack version of the humvee. Of major importance to Marine commanders is the increased offensive power the IFAV offers. A primary advantage of the IFAV is its ability to be transported internally by Marine Corps’ workhorse aircraft, to include the CH-46 Sea Knight, CH-53 Sea Stallion, and in the future, the V-22 Osprey. Other improvements to the IFAV have made it far superior to the M-151 in most respects. The M-151 didn’t quite have the mobility, speed, or durability to get Marines into the environments they will need to be in during the 21st century. The M-151’s tendency to tip over as well as the fact that it used flammable unleaded fuel, made it a safety liability. Run by safer diesel fuel and equipped with greater handling ability, the IFAV appears to be tailor-made for the Marine Corps.