I am planning to make an ancient diorama, where the Greeks are landing their troops near a Persian fortress. The general setup will be something like this:
This is the overall setup, like a plan of the scene. The story behind, with the terrain I plan to make is as follows:
Greeks, terrorized in fear, because of the long lasting battles with their fearsome enemies, the Persians, decide to attack important ports of the enemy. They are landing their troops on a sandy beach, with lots of triremes carrying them. The diorama only shows a section of that assault, which is 1 trireme wide (imagine that there are other triremes to the right and left). The trireme runs on the beach with all its speed, and stops, troops jump from the deck to the beach, still not quite organized, they get ready to face the organized enemy. The enemy, strong and well organized, fires arrows from the top of the fortification where the sands of the beach turn to rocks opposite to the trireme. Meanwhile a group of mounted units of the persians attack from the right and a group of phlanx organize to deflect the attack.
The diorama will be as wide as the trireme, and as long as 1 meter or so, like in the pictures. There will be some modifications applied to the trireme, I will put some dead soldiers on the ground and in the sea, a little plantation on the ground, arrows, javelins and other war exuipment on the ground, possibly a catapult on the fortress, and of course any possible suggestions you fellow modellers could make

Thank you very much for your comments.