another carboard structure
Spain / España
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 10:00 AM UTC
Hello All, this is another "in process" house in this case all is carboard, included windows frame. Omly thing that is not carboard is brown bits at windows tha is wood

best whises
Ohio, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 11:02 AM UTC
The house turned out real well. You should think about doing a "How To " article on this. The only thjing I can mention is the slant of the roof. I could very well be wrong on this but I believe the roof should be flater. Like I said I could be wrong. Very cool, and very well done.
Harry D
Harry DiVencenzo
"There are no compacts between lions and men, and wolves and lambs have no concord."
Spain / España
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 11:10 AM UTC
Thanks Harry for your nice words. Yes it´s normal that the roof are more flat. But I´m based in this photo take from 
This house have a particular roof.
Best whises
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 11:16 AM UTC
Oh blockhaus your buildiong really get me itchin to do some !
i just cant find any sodding cork sheets around anywhere!
i'll keep looking that brill mate ! do love these buildings !
"cheese is simply milk's leap towards immortality" :anon
California, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 11:16 AM UTC
Wonderful work, as usual. Thank you for sharing it with us.
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New York, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 11:21 AM UTC
Blokhaus strikes again. I especially like the texturing on the walls.
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Washington, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 03:06 PM UTC
Nice work, the window detail, and the corners look excellent. What are you using for the structure beneath the cardboard to add rigidity to the building?
Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 07:27 PM UTC
That looks just great. What more can I say? Very nice, I need some of those!!
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 08:31 PM UTC

Great work again Blockhaus!! I am going to try and experiment myself!!

I am using the nice guillotine I bought at telford and cork floor tiles. These tiles are readily available at DIY stores and they're cheap too!

I'll see how I get on, but it will be a much slower process than Blockhaus manages.
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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / España
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 10:03 PM UTC
Regarding the availability of Cork - ny first port of call was an art suppliers. There, to my surprise, they had a number of thicknesses. The thinnest (which is the recommended by our good friend Carlos) is 2mm.
They probably also cut it off a roll for you - in my case I bought a metre for around 5 €uros - a metre is a lot of cork!!! ...Jim :-)
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 10:12 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Regarding the availability of Cork - ny first port of call was an art suppliers. There, to my surprise, they had a number of thicknesses. The thinnest (which is the recommended by our good friend Carlos) is 2mm.
They probably also cut it off a roll for you - in my case I bought a metre for around 5 €uros - a metre is a lot of cork!!! ...Jim :-)
Derr why didnt i think of that?

thanks Jim i'm always frequenting art shops but didnt even think to ask !
"cheese is simply milk's leap towards immortality" :anon
Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Monday, November 22, 2004 - 11:54 PM UTC
On the workbench:
MPC: 1972 Pontiac GTO
Revell: 1965 Mustang
Verlinden 120mm guard of the marine.
Revell: 2010 Camaro
Monogram: 1931 Rolls Royce
Italeri: LVT2 Amtrac
Kikladhes, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 12:13 AM UTC
Carlow what kind of glue do u use for cardboard mounting. ?
Whats the way for arrow like lines (overhead arrows for windows for example) and generally curved lines ?
The building's corner's that are thicker and have curved lines are just made os maller pieces glued with some distance or other technique ?
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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / España
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 01:12 AM UTC
I think the thing we need really soon is to get all this material compiled and put into the features section.
The other thing we are needing Carlos is some material on the construction of roof sections - particularly the simulation of roofing tiles.....

Florida, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 01:20 AM UTC
Ciao blockhaus,
I really like it. Your scratchbuilding skills are great!
Ciao for now
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 04:25 AM UTC

As always your work amazes me. What I have difficulty with is getting the skeleton of the building made, in scale and in proportion. Could you give some tips and rules of thumb for stuff like door sizes, window positions and sizes and anything else you can?
This life is not a dress rehearsal, so don't balls it up!
Spain / España
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 05:13 AM UTC
Hello Everybody
Kenaz and Shaun, in this case this is not cork is carboard with a layer of acrilic paint in this case Ducan ( a company from Fresno)
Shaun you can take measures from cardmodels, yes these apart models are also a very good plans of houses take a look at: houses are from holland but are a style that you can found in all nort Europe and about measures is the same in all countries. Other models can be found at Goole type: free card models you can find some interesting houses
Jay In this case I not reinforce the construction. I utilize a very good carboard that you can buy at artist shop. You can find here a lot of diferent qualities, take a 2mm thick. when I need reinforce the structure I put a internal valls made with core foam card of 5mm glued with white glue.
Costas : I used a glue named in Spain Imedio but that is sure that cannot be find in Turkey, may be you know a UHU german comany. Is the same that used aeromodellers for glue balsa. Is transparent and seems pine resin.
I cut little curves with a circular cutter , is the same taht a compass but with a blade.
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 05:24 AM UTC
For us US based Guys... He's Using Foam Core Board
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England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 05:25 AM UTC
"cheese is simply milk's leap towards immortality" :anon
Provincia de Lugo, Spain / España
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 05:27 AM UTC
Link To Dutch Building Facades Thanks for these Carlos, very nice indeed.... Jim
Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 08:09 AM UTC
As an affeciando of architecture, i congratulate you... quite well done indeed Carlos. Do you have a photo library of other images or projects you have done that are similar?
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 09:16 AM UTC
Keith - I can answer that (to a degree) - check out Carlos' other threads he has started, there are a number of them and I am working on compiling one for him for Armorama as well has any other he has.
Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 - 01:23 AM UTC
Awesome stuff! You are a man of extraordinary talents my friend.
"If it's not messy it's not creative"
Spain / España
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Posted: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 - 02:31 AM UTC
I Keith,
Glad see you, I not have a gallery but I hope to have one here as soon as I can.
Best regards