Hi, seyahmit: Construction is basically simple and really great. One problem I found was that the half-moon connection on parts B-51 and -52, that connect up to the half-moon parts of B-26 and -27 are molded on the same side, so they will not slide into each other when put together. But to correct this I took my hobby knife and rounded out one side of this half-moon on one of the part(s) a little and then took an appropriate sized drill bit and rounded them out the rest of the way. Then it all went together with no big problem. Now I don't know if this particular kit was just this way and others have been corrected later or not. But it is something to be aware of here.
I tried weathering it last night an have almost ruined it. Putting way too much of the wash on it. Am going to let this dry completely for a couple of days and see if I can correct it by just giving it a slight 'dusting' of the base color to tone it down a tad bit.
Guess this is what happens when you get into a rush trying to do things when they should basically be left alone till you have time to think and concentrate on the job at hand. But this is something that is my fault and not the kit's.
If I had to come up with one thing that is a real draw back, at least to me personally, is that some of the parts are really, REALLY small on this kit, esp. after having been working with the 1/16 scale T-34s for the last few months. So one has to be really careful. I do plan to pick up another one of these kits here and paint it in the German Yellow color. It's that nice of a kit, and I'm finding it hard just to do one. Ha, ha!. And for $15 you can't really beat it either.
Good luck and take care, Sgirty