Since German, American, British and Soviet/Russian armor dominate the market. How about a campaign for armor or vehicles which are under-represented. Like Japanese, Italians, French?, Chinese, Czech....... It has to be indigenous. No Shermans in British colors. Or T55 in Chinese service. It has to be like the Sevomente or the Chi-Ro. It doesn't even have to be WW2 of even armor as long as it's military. The Ram Kangaroo could be an execption i guess.
If anyone would like to pick-up on this idea I'd be glad to hand it over. Otherwise I'm too lazy to coordinate a campaign.
"Oderint dum metuant" = Let them hate me provided they fear me
Great idea, however there are just too many campaigns. I'd wait for a while.
Yes, it could wait. It's just that my RAM is not that good and the idea would be lost if I don't blurt it out soon. And besides, this is the first idea I had in six months.
But then again if anybody is interested in taking charge, the idea is as good as his. Or her. Then you can have it pending in the approval tray for the next 6 months.
"Oderint dum metuant" = Let them hate me provided they fear me