Hosted by Darren Baker
1/35 M109 155mm Vietnam
Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 02:10 PM UTC
I would really like to do a dio of this picture. But were can i find a Vietnam era M109 in 1/35. I have found shells and accessories at Great Models but no 109.
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Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 02:31 PM UTC
Here is a post I made a long while ago. Many of the kits are out of production, but can still be found.
I know several members had kits at our last swap meet in November. If you contact Robert Burnside (aka Alpenflage), he can put you in contact with the guys who had them. I'd try to help, but I'm moving at the beginning of the month and may not be in contact with them before I leave.
* ones I have
Quoted Text
The entire M109 (and even the earlier M108 short barreled 105mm howitzer) originate from Italeri molds. They have been boxed by Testors and Revell of Germany and they run the gambit of:
#235 M109/G short barreled 155mm Vietnam era or German version (Testors #777)*
#238 M108 short barreled 105mm*
#239 M109A2 Modern version that can also build an Israeli type (Testors #779)*
#246 M109E4/G/A1-A2/E4 best because it contains all options in one kit (less Paladin)
#372 M109A6 Paladin latest version currently being fielded in the US Army*
#03056 M109A6 Paladin kit reboxed by Revell of Germany
#03016 M109A3GA1 Italeri kit reboxed by Revell of Germany with Bundeswehr fittings added
#40711 M109G Italeri kit reboxed by Revell of Germany but in a Matchbox package
I have an M109A4 and M109A5 in my motor pool if you need ref. shots, but it may not do you much good.
I know several members had kits at our last swap meet in November. If you contact Robert Burnside (aka Alpenflage), he can put you in contact with the guys who had them. I'd try to help, but I'm moving at the beginning of the month and may not be in contact with them before I leave.
* ones I have
Kentucky, United States
Joined: December 01, 2004
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Joined: December 01, 2004
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Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 02:36 PM UTC
Check this out at just search up M109 they're are a few types there.
Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 02:51 PM UTC
Hey thanks, Sabot Ill pm Alpenflage and see what i can find out. And Dave I didnt find any kits at great models just pe sets but thanks for youre help.