Rhone, France
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 12:51 AM UTC
Wish I could put such a sign on my own car, just to deter all these guys from staying on my tail on the highway...
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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 05:49 AM UTC
couldn't get the image to work, so I played with the code. See if this works.
http://image20.webshots.com/21/5/81/71/233458171UEbBkL_ph.jpgEDIT - All I've been able to get to work is copy and pasting the URLdirectly into the address bar and going to it. A "hot" link gives me a forbidden link and fidgeting with the code doesn't seem to work.
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Michigan, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 05:52 AM UTC
Unless you are talking about putting a red X on the car I can't see the pic

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Rhone, France
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 05:59 AM UTC
It looks like the infamous red X has striken again ! But you two are the first to have problems with this picture or maybe the 55 other viewers have been to shy (or lazy) to point this out
"Find the Bastards, then Pile On"
Col. George W.Patton III 's standing order for the troopers of the 11th Armoured Cavalry Regiment
Michigan, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 06:09 AM UTC
Well I went back to cut and paste the link into my browser and it worked. Then when I went back to your thread it is visible. Somehow the direct image link isn't working until you actually visit the link.
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California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 06:46 AM UTC
Got to the photo -I loved it. Clear and specific - "Stay back or risk being shot!"
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Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 10:26 AM UTC
Very strange these electronic "gizmos", I had to right click and " view image" before I could see the image.Now the image is on your thread, strange strange strange!
Anyway I think along with the sign you need the vehicle to back it up. :-) :-)

California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 11:33 AM UTC
Might have been a server issue as I open this message and all images worked right away.
BTW, great pic there

Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 12:27 PM UTC
I see what y'all mean, same thing happened to me, as soon as I visited the page I can see the pic... I wouldn't mind having one of those myself.[url=http://image20.webshots.com/21/5/81/71/233458171UEbBkL_ph.jpg[/url]
Doc Ski
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 12:36 PM UTC
Of course at 50 meters you wouldn't be able to read the sign...
California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 01:31 PM UTC
Somehow, I think these signs are serious because I saw a much larger one on the side of a 5-Ton guntruck too in almost the exact same format. The photographer that took the pic was a good 15-20m away and the sign read clearly.
I don't have the link to the photo though.
Wouldn't hurt to mount such a sign, I suppose, and doubt they're meant as a joke.