I have to agree with Frenchy. The BJ-212 and the UAZ 469 are not relly that close. It would be better to get the Model Works kit of the UAZ and clean it up, it i really not that bad. The MW kit can usually be found on Ebay for about $15. I have one. It is not that bad. It has full engine and running gear detail/parts, vinyl tires, etc. It has some flash and the plastic is kinda soft, about on par with other East European kits. It is the way I would go. I looked at doing the same with the BJ and realized the diferences and bought the MW UAZ instead.
The BJ has many different parts than the UAZ, most notably is that the entire front end is diferent, along with most of the body lines.
UAZ 469
The only real similarity is the cut and angle of the doors. Other than that, they are quite diferent.