Ok, here is a more polished proposal.
T2K: 2005 "Defend to the last."
The focus of this campaign/mission would be to build a vehicle, aircraft, ship, figure, or other, that was the last remaining defender of a REGULAR MILITARY UNIT. This would allow someone to still heavily modify said kit but they would have to have a good story behind it as well. Heck, the story might be the more important !
An example would be the last M1A1 of the 1/94 defending Duluths only remaining pier from ravaging cheeseheads (ok, ok, I;m picking on Wisconsonites. :-) ), or my favorite, a last Type 59 of the 212th Guards Division at the Great Wall of China, defending a lone gap in the wall against foreign invaders. You could also do a Luchs of the 1st Panzer Division covering a towns water supply, a Argentinian A-4 of Escuadron No1 flying missions against Pirates...the list goes on.
It could be in any scale, and the build would be for all of 2005. Ribbons to be awarded.
Banner I created, I porbably need help to make it better but this is the limit of my software:
And the Ribbon: