I spent some time yesterday thinking about the best way to backdate M416 trailer to older M100 type. The biggest difference is the shape of fenders, which were round in M100 and squared in M416. I plan to modify the trailer from Tamiya M151A2 kit to use it with Skybow's M38A1 model. This trailer is M416 and has squared fenders and I was thinking about the best way to make round fenders. It is not a difficult task, but I considered a few options and finally chose one.
This was yesterday evening and luckilly I haven't started to actually cut plastic yet.
This morning I decided to take a look inside Academy M151A2 hardtop kit box, which comes with M416A1 trailer and see how good trailer parts in this kit are. And... SURPRISE! Academy included both squared and round fenders as options in this kit! This means that I don't have to scratchbuild them - I can just use Academy extra parts.