My entry is Tamiya's 1/35 M1046 TOW HMMWV. Like all of Tamiya's softskins (relatively in this case), it is a breeze to build with few fit problems. Detail is Tamiya standards, though consulting various update sets (namely Eduards PE set), it is obvious that there is much room for improvement, but that is for another model at another time.
I have much of the model completed and the overall build is about 65.375% complete (I'm such a smarta...

). The interior is virtually complete except for a bag of some kind provided in the kit. To give a little variety and ease seeing the interior, I will leave the front doors open and their windows rolled down. For the windows I was able to transplant and reattach the bottom support bar to the rolled down position. Other than that, this kit is standard. I chose to portray it as from E Troop, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized), Iraq Spring 2003 in an overall sand scheme.
Due to a major ice storm, I had to take these pictures inside, but near a window so the colors are a little off(mainly the US Army/USMC Gulf Armor color). Also, for some reason the foward TOW missile round caps in a couple pictures don't appear to be painted. They are. I am pretty sure it is just the angle and sunlight.
I really liked the interior detail, especially the radio. Though an aftermarket part is much in my interest for the next one.

The rear well detailed and crowded at its most basic level. I can't imagine what it like when it was fully loaded!

As always, comments are welcome and encouraged. Please don't leave me hanging here.