Thanks again for the kind words, Guyz...
@ INDIA11A: The technique used on this model is quite easy. First apply the base coat, for which I used Humbrol 155 Olive Drab, when dried, simply brush on the slightly dilluted matt white. I used an old brush on purpose, so the streaks would show, this is because the tank crews in the field used anything they could lay treir hands on to apply the whitewash, so it doesn't have to look too neat!!
After that, when dried offcourse, the normal washes with Raw Umber and Burnt Sienna oils.
That's it in a nutshell!!
@ Bob: Thanks for the graphite tip, would you be so kind to explain some of the techniques used on this one, 'cos I've never used graphite before on a model, though I've heard a lot about it!!
Thanks, John.