Well I've finally made a start for the campaign. So far I have built and half painted most the things for the dio, as time passes I shall add bits here and there and touch up and weather the vehicles and I might repaint a couple of the figures.
The dio will show one of the main points of the failed offensive. A truck load of tired soldiers is being towed by horses past a fuel point that has run out of fuel.
An abandoned motorbike is added to illustrate the lack of fuel.
This truck is the last transport out of the area and picking up stragglers on the way.
All I need to do now is the base but time is against me as soon I am away for a long period and will be deprived of models so this is the last dio I can do for a while.
Cheers Robbo
Hosted by Richard S.
Remearmr : Finally Started
United Kingdom
Joined: August 17, 2002
KitMaker: 443 posts
Armorama: 357 posts
Joined: August 17, 2002
KitMaker: 443 posts
Armorama: 357 posts
Posted: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 08:32 AM UTC