Its me again, this is what I accomplished so far....I finished track assembly and it sure did give me some headaches... ...I still plan to add some stowage at the front and at the back. At the turret I plan to add camo netting at the side and at the barrel...
Your comments are very much appreciated...
I'm not sure if I will add some mud....hmmm.
Arvin Arbolado
Wellington, New Zealand Joined: May 01, 2002
KitMaker: 2,088 posts
Armorama: 1,257 posts
Arvin, Looking very very cool. Just one thing the red/brown pastel on the road wheels and suspension just looks a little to red for my liking..........though this is probaly the photo
"Da Kiwi Kid"
Andrew Barclay
Metro Manila, Philippines Joined: July 29, 2002
KitMaker: 1,460 posts
Armorama: 1,080 posts
Hey Arvin ..Now that's the way I like em Nice and dirty ...Your weathering looks great .One question ..Where's your serial number on the other side? Also the 11 should be on the other side too.. Great job !.
England - South West, United Kingdom Joined: August 07, 2004
KitMaker: 6,391 posts
Armorama: 4,258 posts
Good job on the weathering Arvin, looks nice and dusty. I don't know if you want to put in in a specific era diorama, but I would not add any mud. I think you have captured the dusty appearance of the summer of 1944 (northern France?) perfectly.
Cheers Henk
The early bird may catch the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese...
Christchurch, New Zealand Joined: May 01, 2002
KitMaker: 432 posts
Armorama: 359 posts
Rick, I did not bother to put a turret number on the other side because I was planning to put camo netting on the left turret side and it would probably be hidden. I also saw some actual Firefly Vc with only turret number only on one side, but they are very few...
Henk, I'll follow your advice about the mud, I'll probably lighten the brown dust a bit as Andy mentioned.